A Positive View Of Life

SUN., SEPT. 11, 1988, 10:31 AM

The sermon this morning in that familiar white sanctuary was an affirmative message of salvation. You know that what was said was not all that could be said, so hear as I offer a bit of post-sermon learning. It is good that you are out here, for it is a better place to accept these vacation Teachings.

You know that My fundamental message to you is a positive one, so you could readily accept this morning’s sermon/message. When you have put your hand in Mine outstretched there is no longer any reason to fear, to think other than highly of yourself or to doubt the purpose of life. You will continue to make mistakes and fall short, but the only sin is not to learn and grow from such. When you do this you are forgiven and energized on to the next challenges.

I want you to dedicate all that you are and do, consciously or by way of spirit, to Me. I look, then, at what you intend and how you are, rather than at the imperfections. Why don’t the Scriptures sound more like this? Just accept that there are reasons beyond your comprehension. Some of My servants do need to have a more negative, punitive message. Consider and do not reject such Scriptural passages, but feast upon those that offer the basis for what I tell you in these Teaching pages.

I do see this earth in quite positive ways, and I commend this to both your mind and your spirit. As you think of this island place focus on the beauty and not upon prices, traffic, crowded housing, and “commercialism.” In this spot you can see other houses and you can feel the presence of a tight neighborhood, but the trade winds blow, the sun shines, and you could just as well see this as a garden set apart, with views of the crater, the sky, and the ocean. I recommend this kind of transforming vision. I do it often.

All right, but there is evil, suffering, and darkness. People are dying in natural disasters. Some are being abused by others, at this very moment. Some are murdered. Others die of neglect. Disease spreads. Woe! The classic Christian answer is that evil entered the earth, and that the hearts of many are turned to Satan rather than to Me. Accept Me as Lord… anyway (even if I seem to be weak and ineffectual)… and when death comes, when and however, you shall receive a crown of glory and live eternally with Me in peace and away from all harm.

Those who have not accepted Me shall also live eternally, paying for their sins in the fires of hell. Even those who have suffered in this earth life but have not accepted Me shall continue to suffer. The sheep and the goats. The right and the left. Those in and those out.

Now part of this doctrine is that Christians are to live lives which attempt to correct the wrongs of the earth and reduce or eliminate the suffering of others. This is a positive purpose to life, almost, and I commend it as part of My explanation to you. Work as long as you are able and are effective, for yours is a work that increases the positive side of life. Don’t give it up just to rest and have personal pleasures.

The heart of the positive message is that I love goats as well as sheep, and I am as favorable to the left as to the right. (Wendy knows this.) I have created eternal life in spirit, which manifests itself in immortal souls. Earth life is one of the many ways in which life can be lived. It is a good one for some souls (you being one), partly because there are so many possible challenges, all of which can enhance spiritual growth. Death is really inconsequential. It is just a transition, and when or how it comes is usually of little consequence in the whole development of a spirit. You just have more sense and remembrance of this than most Christians.

SUN., SEPT. 11, 1988, 10:31 AM

The sermon this morning in that familiar white sanctuary was an affirmative message of salvation. You know that what was said was not all that could be said, so hear as I offer a bit of post-sermon learning. It is good that you are out here, for it is a better place to accept these vacation Teachings.

You know that My fundamental message to you is a positive one, so you could readily accept this morning’s sermon/message. When you have put your hand in Mine outstretched . . .

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