A Postscript On Easter

WED., APR. 15, 1998, 8:58 AM

Re-reading My teachings to you before and on the day of Easter offers you the best recollection of that day, in a unique place. For worship, you would rather have been here, but the trip was worthwhile. Lenore’s letter to Kathleen was a loving one, and you should send something comparable to son, Bob. With the grandchildren you now are experiencing some of what your parents had to deal with, as your boys grew up. For everything there is a season…

The trip back was somewhat eventful, but you were appropriately thankful that there were no difficulties in the running of that prestige auto… and the wipers did come on, finally. I heard your prayer. Was it necessary for Me to help? You needn’t know. Just thank Me, yet again.

This morning your Bible study group concluded the Luke version of My final days on earth as Jesus. The story is now quite familiar, with My mystical return in body, one that seems to function quite naturally (even with wounds remaining), and, then, occasionally, quite supernaturally. It was a serious time for Me, but it was also a lot of fun, appearing, disappearing, and reappearing. Then, like a modern-day helicopter, I wafted up into the sky, heading toward heaven. I still occasionally come to earth again in body (completely or partially) to special people and for special reasons. Will there be a “second coming”, a dramatic return as is often prophesied? To you I say there is no reason for this… because of My love for diversity. I have no great desire to change the patterns of earth life, drastically and dramatically. My influence, as Jesus and as Almighty God, is sufficient, even as it is not complete. As Holy Spirit I have much influence on how people act and how actions are interpreted. Thus, I am satisfied, even pleased, with earth life, as this unique realm which has special capacities for the growth and development of spirit. Need I say more?

Yesterday was a beautiful day, certainly a herald of the Spring season, expected after Easter. You’ve done some planting, but you need to do considerably more. Yes, you still are busy, busy, and you’re finding it hard to find those times of contemplation and guided reading. I’ll keep reminding you… as you would expect.

The Easter season commences with Palm Sunday, the remembrance of My entrance, as Jesus, into Jerusalem, with spontaneous cries and actions of adulation. The Jewish people were recognizing Me as the promised Messiah, but the rabbis and other leaders were threatened by this identification and they began to plan for My demise. As the week went on, and I preached, taught, and turned over tables, the plan was forming, and the “people” had to be “turned”. They responded to their leaders, and five days after the welcome they were yelling Crucify Him!

The situation would be much the same in the now-Christian “community” if I should return, as the triumphant Messiah. The Christian Church is a mystical Body, but it is doubtful that Pentecostals, Baptists, Presbyterians, Roman Catholics, and the Orthodox would even unite for a “welcoming parade”. Where would it be? How would I be dressed? Would I speak a language all could hear and easily interpret? How would those in this spectrum of religion react if I accepted some dogma and rejected some?

Would church leaders, as individuals and as ruling groups, become threatened by My Presence? Wouldn’t they then begin to warn the people about deception? Would I be rejected again… because I was accepted by some? You can see, can’t you?… that a return would be difficult to “pull off” without supernatural acts… galore!

WED., APR. 15, 1998, 8:58 AM

Re-reading My teachings to you before and on the day of Easter offers you the best recollection of that day, in a unique place. For worship, you would rather have been here, but the trip was worthwhile. Lenore’s letter to Kathleen was a loving one, and you should send something comparable to son, Bob. With the grandchildren you now are experiencing some of what your parents had to deal with, as your boys grew up. For everything there is a season…

The trip back was somewhat . . .

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