A Pre-Christmas Muse

FRI., DEC. 12, 1997, 1:08 PM

You have a possible goal for this Teaching, inasmuch as Lenore has asked for some help with a devotional she will offer this next week. As you know, our relationship, yours and Mine, is one of My initiative… meaning that “I don’t take requests”. But this is the Christmas season, and I always have something to say about life around this holiday time.

It is, of course, a remembrance and celebration of My birth, as Jesus. As you think about this now, nearly 2,000 years after this event, you often wonder why I was born into a Jewish community, in a part of the earth not primarily occupied by Christians, who have accepted My divinity… and who’s name – Christians – originally meant “little Christs”… those who saw Me as a part of the Triune God.

Well, just accept that it had to be somewhere, and no other time and place would have been better. (It is a “problem” in relation to My promised Second coming, however – where? when? why? dressed how? speaking what language? and…) As a symbol, I came in humble circumstances. Angels announced My birth to shepherds… I was to minister to “working class folk”. A moving star brought learned magi (sometimes call kings, in carols), who brought lavish gifts… I was also here for the “rich, powerful, and learned”.

One story, however, tells of Jewish boy babies being killed in an attempt to end My life early, so that I could not rise to the power that could overthrow Roman control… a symbol that My Presence also has brought suffering and sadness, through these ages of Mine.

I have brought you to notice that, strangely, the prime events of My life, as Jesus, take place, by your calendar, in less than half a year. There is the birth, then the death and resurrection, and, finally, Pentecost, the birth of the Church… and then there is the rest of the year or “ordinary times”. It also is rather odd that I was born, as Jesus, in the winter, which is the “dead season” in your hemisphere. Then I died in the spring… but was resurrected, in concert with “the new growth season”. Then consider that in the Southern Hemisphere My birth is in the midst of summer, with My death and resurrection in the Fall, when winter and death of plants is the main experience.

Just let all of this merely symbolize that My concerns for this earth scene, as the Triune God, are not related to time and seasons. Experience Me as you do, not determined by the experiences of others. And then I say, as a complement rather than as a contradiction, do not deny the influences of others, for I work in uncountable ways. You influence some people, and are influenced by others. And you can never be sure that I am not involved, in some of that influencing.

The shepherd’s story says… this is a season to relate to people in loving, appreciative ways. They brought no gifts… just themselves. The other story is one of gift-giving (and not very practical gifts for a baby!). This season should be a balance of both. But you also know that in order to give, with satisfaction, there must be those who receive. You can’t determine what others will do, but you can be openly appreciative of gifts that come to you. You’re not always as good a “receiver” as you should be. Just a suggestion.

The Christmas story, with combinations from Matthew and Luke, is familiar, but you must admit that it is mystical. If anyone told the story of such a contemporary conception, birth, and aftermath you would be doubtful, with your rational mind. The story is one of spirit, with enough “reality” to be acceptable, but still… more appealing to spirit than to intellect.

The season, as your culture celebrates it, is certainly one of contrasts. It is spiritual, mystical (angels?), traditional, and fun. It also is crassly material, competitive, an economic “necessity”, and a season of disappointments, for some.

FRI., DEC. 12, 1997, 1:08 PM

You have a possible goal for this Teaching, inasmuch as Lenore has asked for some help with a devotional she will offer this next week. As you know, our relationship, yours and Mine, is one of My initiative… meaning that “I don’t take requests”. But this is the Christmas season, and I always have something to say about life around this holiday time.

It is, of course, a remembrance and celebration of My birth, as Jesus. As you think about this now, nearly 2,000 years after this event, you . . .

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