A Quiet Life

FRI., JULY 6, 2001, 2:14 PM

Yes, o son, your life now can rightfully be called quiet. You have no classes and no office. You still can use this and a few other spaces here that are familiar, but this is summer, with only a few students around. You can remember some of what you taught, but you wouldn’t want to be face to face with another continuing class. You’re not even sure you would accept an invitation to a guest lecture (but it would be a tempting invitation. Could you still “do it”?)

Getting up early is required only on Thursdays, for the continuing Bible Study. Sundays have you doing your “chores” before going to church, but this requires only some attention to the clock. You are FAIRLY responsible to Me and the Teachings I have for you, at least several times a week. All of these aforementioned “noises” are important counters to your otherwise quiet life.

It has been a bit taxing to deal with some of these “opportunities” in the mail, that you have “fallen for.” You know I could “reward” you with a bit of extra money by means of such, but you also see that you have quite enough money for any needs, even wants, that the two of you have. Back away from these for awhile. They can be disturbing, for “no good reason.”

Continue to consider diminishing your farm animals, but also realize that they take very little time and attention, and can still be a good “hobby.” You should be seeking a quiet “balance,” not the giving up of all responsibilities. Mowing some of your lawn each day can provide desirable food for all of the “critters,” and you still do need the exercise. Your muscle strength is diminishing, and it can be maintained only if you “use it.” You will gain unwanted and undesirable weight if you diminish the use of your physical body.

I am quite aware of the condition of your feet. I have been with you “all the way,” as I’ve told you. They are unlikely to return to what you enjoyed “before,” but they do need to be used… and the skin may toughen up a bit more. So… you can have a quiet life, with “muumuu” feet, that still are as functional as you need them to be.

There have been no requests for your “time” at the church, and this isn’t as bothersome as you thought it might be. It should continue to be your “first choice” to go to the Carbondale Presbyterian, but there are also good reasons to “visit” some of the other congregations (or persons) with whom you have been connected. Just be certain that this… worship… is your expected “activity” on a Sunday morning. Specifically where?… is not important.

You remember that your parents, after moving to Hawaii, never did “volunteer” for activities like those of their “younger years” in the church. You are not yet as old as they were when they left their long-time home and Methodist Church in Long Beach and “retired” to Hawaii. It IS easier to change from a busy, responsible life-style to a quieter, less responsible one when you move, as they did. But you seem quite sure that you have had enough of middle-class activity and are ready for some quieter years (or so you hope).

The “look” of your home place is not quite satisfactory and satisfying to you. Don’t be bothered by what you don’t do on any particular day, BUT push yourself, just a bit more, to keep it looking as you want. Balance the possible frustrations in having to do more than you want with those that arise when the place looks “too shabby.” And this IS sometimes a tough balancing act.

You have enjoyed two of your old favorite movies this week, on videotape. I recommend a better balance of such filmed stories with the regular TV programs, which are mostly about some aspect of crime. You still have many worthwhile old film stories to re-visit, but also visit one of the big ol’ video stores, with offerings that would be good “re-viewing.”

Continue to do some reading, though you realize your memory is fading, so the pleasure “of the moment” may be about all you get from this quiet activity.

FRI., JULY 6, 2001, 2:14 PM

Yes, o son, your life now can rightfully be called quiet. You have no classes and no office. You still can use this and a few other spaces here that are familiar, but this is summer, with only a few students around. You can remember some of what you taught, but you wouldn’t want to be face to face with another continuing class. You’re not even sure you would accept an invitation to a guest lecture (but it would be a tempting invitation. Could you still “do it . . .

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