A Range Of Ages

WED., JULY 24, 1991, 8:07 AM

This experience, Synod School, is one of those special times when you are in the midst of a group with a range of ages… from, as was said, 7 months to 79 years. You obviously are in the older segment, but you have some relationship, at least, to those who are younger. Know that there is nothing wrong with relating more comfortably with your own age mates, but try not to pass up opportunities to be with those younger.

Despite your success in playing My servant Paul with the kids at Marketplace this summer I advised you not to take on that regular Sunday School task. Though I do not change that counsel I do say that it would be quite an experience for you. To be able to relate is a task for one your age, but then comes the allegiance and the sharing, that you experienced, minimally, as Paul.

Obviously I like a range of ages. As Jesus, though there was that one recorded incident of My calling children to be around Me, I didn’t relate much to children and youth. In the one event from My own childhood in the Scriptures I was not relating to My peers, but to the elders in the temple. Now this gave them a chance to interact with a 12 year old, but, at least on that occasion, I was not your typical older child. I was acting like an adult, asking adult questions, and giving adult answers. If I had been like I was at other times at that age or like some of the 12 year olds here the relationship with the elders would have been short-lived.

You have a sense, not from Scripture but from historical material you haven’t read, that My disciples had some range of age, but tended to be rather like unto Me. Oh, some were older and some younger, but the general range was not great. Wouldn’t it have been “better” if I had selected from a wider range? Perhaps, but, then, always consider that what I did, as Jesus, was just right.

You realize, of course, that the really interesting range of ages is spiritual rather than physical. For some of those who are young in earth years are old in spiritual development, which is positive – old is plus. At the other extreme are the physically old who are yet babes spiritually… may even be regressing. Even with the possibility and reality of several to many earth lives (which I have shared with you) it is not easier to discern. In fact, this complicates the matter, for those of any common earth age or range may have a much wider spiritual range. Discovery of about where a person is on her spiritual path can be most interesting… and why haven’t you done more of this?

The range of ages should help you to see the ecological truth, somewhat as I do. This is that those who are in charge, who are most active are moving toward older age and less involvement. Also, younger people are appearing and moving up to take their places. Any organization or institution, including My Church and this School of Mine, will maintain its healthy function if it fosters this movement in those who direct and decide.

You now are among the elderly in fulltime working service. You realize that you are moving toward retirement, but that you presently fill a unique niche in your Department, College, University, and your profession. You have been part of the development of your field since before some of the current writings say it started. You have insights others don’t yet have. And, spiritually you are older than you are in earth years, so that you have unique insights and responses, which are good for your students to experience.

WED., JULY 24, 1991, 8:07 AM

This experience, Synod School, is one of those special times when you are in the midst of a group with a range of ages… from, as was said, 7 months to 79 years. You obviously are in the older segment, but you have some relationship, at least, to those who are younger. Know that there is nothing wrong with relating more comfortably with your own age mates, but try not to pass up opportunities to be with those younger.

Despite your success in playing My servant Paul with the . . .

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