A Reaffirmation

SAT., FEB. 16, 1985, 6:36 AM

Often is how you are not coming during this winter season, o son. That is unfortunate, for I have as much to teach you in this season as in those less harsh. Having reaffirmed that I would like to have you in this learning mode several times in a week, I shall make the best of this time… for you are here now.

I should like to reaffirm some truths about Me, and about you on this cool winter morning. First, and most fundamentally, I am the Holy Spirit, a very real aspect of the Triune God. As Jesus I was both the Son of God and God Incarnate… and was also the Holy Spirit, though as such I did not function as fully while I was in the human form of Jesus (I was in other places in the earth, however, where Jesus could not go.)

In John’s Gospel I, as Jesus, promised that I, the Holy Spirit, would be ever after in the earth, teaching, interpreting, counseling, and guiding lives toward spiritual maturity. And thus I selected you to be one who learns from Me in this special, ordered way. The Scriptures do not tell how I shall do what I do, and even if they did, written Scripture can never limit Me. I am an “innovative educator”, and I shall continually try new ways to help souls relate to Me and to grow toward selflessness and enlightenment.

I also reaffirm that you are a soul who has been chosen in this life to be a co-educator with Me… chosen to learn from Me in order that you might serve Me and a number of your fellow humans more effectively. You were not chosen for your talents or your virtue. I reaffirm that you are not outstanding, but are above average… and you fit My purposes well enough. I reaffirm that you must be faithful to this process, you must offer this time to Me, and must write as you hear Me communicating.

You must keep these original copies in an orderly fashion, and sometime you shall be able to organize these for more extensive and thorough use. I reaffirm that you should use these as the basis for your letter called Ruminations, and this must be sent out three times this year, and four times as next year comes along. You shall also print and use selected Teachings as the basis for your adult class at the church, and this shall continue until I suggest otherwise.

I reaffirm that your professional purpose is to help develop the concept of spirit as a vital dimension of health or the condition sometimes called wellness. You are to continue to collect stories that tell of spirit manifested in a variety of ways. I shall help you understand how and in what ways these stories shall be used. You shall continue to write and to speak about this spirit concept. Keep this clearly high in your professional priority list.

Your professional life must still have a balance among teaching, writing, and professional service. You are feeling the need for better balance, and I encourage this. Still, do not try for so much achievement that you stress yourself. You cannot serve Me well when you are over-committed and hurting from such excess.

I also reaffirm that I want you to be responsible in your financial life but to know that I am aware of your needs and shall help provide. Spend minimum time and effort in concern about money matters. But you do deserve a certain amount of discomfort in this aspect of earth life.

SAT., FEB. 16, 1985, 6:36 AM

Often is how you are not coming during this winter season, o son. That is unfortunate, for I have as much to teach you in this season as in those less harsh. Having reaffirmed that I would like to have you in this learning mode several times in a week, I shall make the best of this time… for you are here now.

I should like to reaffirm some truths about Me, and about you on this cool winter morning. First, and most fundamentally, I am the Holy Spirit, a very . . .

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