A Reaffirmation

SAT., OCT. 25, 1986, 6:22 AM

It has been difficult for you, o son, to settle your chattering mind and begin to hear My voice. Even after this length of time the process can still be a vexing one. Know, however, that I shall continue to be available. The reaffirmation is, in one sense, about this continuance. I do reaffirm that I want to continue this active relationship. I just need a comparable nod from you. I do believe I hear such… listening with spiritual ears.

The other reaffirmation is in relation to the concern you felt in the Dean’s meeting this past week. It was evident to you that you were not being productive in university terms, and you still would like to be so. You are not yet ready for retirement. But what is your situation, as I see it. And be assured that “as I see it” is the perspective you should accept as most valid and relevant.

You are writing two newsletters a month, and each of these is a valuable service. You have the developed capacity, partly through the medium of these Teachings, to write rather well without lengthy and painful rewriting. This capability is essential for this task, and you should demonstrate this today for the hospice paper is certainly overdue. The church newsletter is just part of your more direct service to Me. I want you to be an influence in this church of which you are a part, and this is one of the means. I reaffirm that you are to continue this.

You have now almost established the pattern of producing four issues of your (and My) Ruminations in a year. This has not been an effortless accomplishment. With all that you have to do in the two months that remain you must be sure to produce and send out this fourth issue, commenting on the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I reaffirm that this is a major responsibility for you now. You didn’t receive replies from all those you would have liked to have responded positively, but you may use your judgment on which ones to keep on the list. Nevertheless, it is what you should be doing. I reaffirm this.

You are teaching a full load, and you should continue this. You have a style that many young people should experience, and you should not change your approach to teaching. Keep the balance between giving students your perspectives on the field or a particular topic and having them actively involved in the learning process. This shall require some time of planning before each class. I reaffirm that this is time well spent. Though there will be instances when you shall not have all the time you need, be sure that these are infrequent. Effective teaching is your main responsibility.

SAT., OCT. 25, 1986, 6:22 AM

It has been difficult for you, o son, to settle your chattering mind and begin to hear My voice. Even after this length of time the process can still be a vexing one. Know, however, that I shall continue to be available. The reaffirmation is, in one sense, about this continuance. I do reaffirm that I want to continue this active relationship. I just need a comparable nod from you. I do believe I hear such… listening with spiritual ears.

The other reaffirmation is in relation to the concern you felt . . .

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