A Recap Of “The Big Picture”

SAT., MAR. 28, 1998, 10:04 AM

As you come for a fourth Teaching this week (which really shouldn’t be heralded as an accomplishment!) I’ll speak of several aspects of life, “big picture version”. For I am Holy Spirit, One with Jesus the Christ and with the Almighty Father God. I speak for Myself, but, mystically, this can never be “not-at-One” with the Godhead. How’s that for the commencement of a “big picture”.

It is important that I tell you, rather often, that I am (We are) ultimately mystical and therefore are not bound by rationality. This translates to: I need not be consistent with what I tell different people… or even what I tell you at different times and in different contexts.

This leads to My most oft-repeated love: that of diversity. I have created diverse forms of life. Humans are different from other forms of life, even animal life, AND… humans are different from one another. I am ultimately the cause of strife in this earth… because of what and how I have created, and what I have allowed.

Early in the Genesis story (one of mystical Truth) I found Adam and Eve too compliant, “too much alike”. So I created, and guided, a talking snake, who enticed Eve into going against the one restriction I had given. For that (including Adam’s seduction by Eve) they had to leave the Garden and develop more “normally” for the earth scene as I wanted it. They had two sons. I had to provoke Cain into killing Abel, and thus sin was established, as a factor in earth life… both non-violent and violent sins.

By today’s standards for health I acted and spoke strangely in relation to Cain and Abel. If it weren’t for the direct produce of the land it would not be possible to have the population now present here. Grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits are basic foods. Meat, particularly “fattened” meat is, by world standards, a luxury… and more potentially harmful to health… as well as a benefit. I rejected the produce and accepted the fattened lamb. Hmmm…

Let that semi-digression lead to My oft-repeated judgment that the human population is increasing toward plague-status. Combining a larger and larger human population with the economic premise that more and more must be “produced”, so that more and more folk can live longer and “better” leads toward deterioration of this earth as a livable place.

The law of entropy should be increasingly seen as one of My laws. As energy is transformed, waste is produced. When waste begins to accumulate the health of the earth is threatened… and then lessened. In the big picture I love the earth and its total web of life and all that supports this web. When human activity, particularly that which directly pollutes the environment and that which is just for luxury and “having more than others” (remember the Commandment on coveting?!) becomes excessive I am “tempted” to act… and to allow. So… know that I am not alarmed or saddened by deaths, for deaths are one of the “big answers” to what I just have described.

Hear Me say, yet again, that death is more of a transition than an end. Oh, it is the end of an earth life, but as you come on over you realize that this “earth portion” is just a rather strange manifestation of life, which is fundamentally spiritual. Most of you American middle-class Christians just don’t accept this, really. And, hence, you waste time and energy on maintaining physical life, with less focus on the spiritual and the mystical realities of on-going life.

The human population of earth is made up of souls that range from very advanced and developed to moderately advanced but not very “experienced” on to those “brand new”, with much growing to do. There are advanced souls in every religious tradition. I tell you that My favorite is the Christian… but also remember I need not be consistent.

SAT., MAR. 28, 1998, 10:04 AM

As you come for a fourth Teaching this week (which really shouldn’t be heralded as an accomplishment!) I’ll speak of several aspects of life, “big picture version”. For I am Holy Spirit, One with Jesus the Christ and with the Almighty Father God. I speak for Myself, but, mystically, this can never be “not-at-One” with the Godhead. How’s that for the commencement of a “big picture”.

It is important that I tell you, rather often, that I am (We are) ultimately mystical and therefore are not . . .

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