A Reply To An Old Friend

FRI., MAR. 1, 1996, 5:20 AM

After you read the unexpected letter from old friend Siddy you considered (supposedly in “your own head”) some alternatives to those truths that brought anger to her spirit. Naturally I was influencing your thinking then. Let Me continue to do so in this somewhat more formal way. You were doing well. See how I do now.

The basic issues are: what sort of power do I have in this present earth scene, what is My reaction to the events of life (particularly those that seem tragic), how do I value human life, and what is the purpose of individual human lives? Is that enough for one Teaching?

My answer to the first of these questions should not surprise you. I have, finally, supreme power over the earth and its happenings. I can use this power in many ways… or I can choose not to exert it. This is power to foresee consequences, and to understand how actions and events relate to each other in a way that is incredibly greater than any of you, even the brightest of you, the best combinations of you, and the help of powerful, sophisticated computers. It also is power to act, to produce certain consequences or, importantly, to prevent others. (And, as you know, as a professional in health, prevention may not be noticed and can never be proved, finally.)

So, I am aware of actions, interactions, events, circumstances, and consequences involving the over 5 billion of you humans on this planet. Because it is a roughly round orb that moves on an axis there is constant activity, for night in one place means day in another.

My reaction, basically, to all that I observe is positive. I am the Creator and Sustainer of all of this (I speak, of course, as the Holy Spirit, an integral aspect of the One True, Triune God. I am not… “and, oh yes, there’s the Holy Spirit”) And I am not an inept Creator. I do not “wring My hands” and moan, “Why couldn’t I have created a better earth, with better people?” I see apparent tragedies, but often My judgment is different from yours in what is really tragic. In terms of numbers human life is doing very well, too well, at this point.

I also am satisfied with My decision to allow and encourage diversity in all of life… and there is greater diversity than, again, any of you are aware of. Among humans there is much diversity, and I both allowed and encouraged this. This diversity did not occur when I was “taking a nap” or “out to lunch”. If I had wanted everyone to think alike, perceive in one way, and act in a unified way I could have created and directed for this to happen. There are realms that are somewhat like this. There is some value in uniformity, but I acted differently in the creation process for this Earth, one of My most unique creations.

When there is unity where there could be division and strife, I am pleased. Where there is love when there could be hate… or no feeling at all… I smile. I have created humans for strife as well as for unity. I like the variations in thinking and acting that I see in the earth.

FRI., MAR. 1, 1996, 5:20 AM

After you read the unexpected letter from old friend Siddy you considered (supposedly in “your own head”) some alternatives to those truths that brought anger to her spirit. Naturally I was influencing your thinking then. Let Me continue to do so in this somewhat more formal way. You were doing well. See how I do now.

The basic issues are: what sort of power do I have in this present earth scene, what is My reaction to the events of life (particularly those that seem tragic), how do I value human . . .

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