A Reply To Jason

TUES., JULY 11, 1989, 6:00 AM

You were called last night for a long listen… to a young man who was once under your spiritual tutelage. He needed you to listen to his long rambling tale about spiritual feelings and, particularly, feelings of evil. He has a lot of mixed feelings, so what he said didn’t all fit together, as you heard it.

You know that I do not offer you prophetic messages. That is not your calling. However, it is appropriate, at times, to share a Teaching with a person mentioned. Most of these meditations that I have you write down are not of a directly personal nature. A few are directly personal to you, and then, occasionally, there is one that has comments about another person. You are not required to share such, but you may. Still, they remain Teachings… ways for you to learn of spiritual ways, means, and substance.

Jason spoke of fear… the fear of evil. He is hyper-aware of people who seem to be part of a threat to him. Fear, of course, is overcome by love and a positive spirit. There is much in this earth that can stimulate fear, in any place and at almost any time. Love, coming from a close connection with Me, is the most effective antidote. Actually, it is more than an antidote. It is the real force of life, while fear is only a minor challenge to this positive power.

As I have told you many times, evil, in the form of forces, powers, situations, and persons, is a part of the earth scene that I created, as the Almighty, Creator God. Actually, I am proud of this creation, as a plane of existence for spiritual growth. I see much good that results from evil forces, and I see that such good cannot be achieved without some loss. Remember that, by design, earth is not an idyllic perfect realm. There are such. Earth is not one. Yet earth is perfect in that it is as I created it to be. No superior powers have taken over against My will. Oh, there are some excesses of which I do not approve, but these are not truly dangerous to the “proper functioning” of this realm.

Martyrdom is an honorable way to live and even to end life. And yet I must then immediately add that it is truly justified only very seldom. Because of My life and death as Jesus I certainly cannot condemn martyrdom, for there have been some marvelous martyrs for Me and My Way. However, there have been many more that have been foolish, even with the best of intentions… especially younger persons. In the big majority of life situations I want a young person to live for Me, even through difficulties, rather than to die for Me. Times of potential martyrdom are, most often, times to live and to grow spiritually, even through the temptations that abound.

When you are spiritually sensitive you have many feelings about what you should and should not do. If your hand is firmly in Mine, you are much more capable of discerning which are good and which are distracting, harmful, or downright evil. This discernment is developed during a life, or lives, so it is not so often a stable, predictable attribute of the young. However, some of the young are spiritually sensitive and so have real capacities to grow in this power of discernment. It is ultimately a gift, but it does not come without trials and tribulations… and mistakes.

Spirits of those who have passed from earth life may still want to help some who are incarnated and functioning as humans. All of this intended help is not skillfully done, but quite often the motives are better than actual performance. When the spirit is discerned as one you have known and with whom you’ve had a good relationship it is usually wise to feel no fear and to heed what the spirit seems to want to communicate. There can be exceptions… and mistakes… but this is My general counsel.

TUES., JULY 11, 1989, 6:00 AM

You were called last night for a long listen… to a young man who was once under your spiritual tutelage. He needed you to listen to his long rambling tale about spiritual feelings and, particularly, feelings of evil. He has a lot of mixed feelings, so what he said didn’t all fit together, as you heard it.

You know that I do not offer you prophetic messages. That is not your calling. However, it is appropriate, at times, to share a Teaching with a person mentioned. Most of these meditations . . .

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