A Reprise On Play

FRI., JULY 9, 1982, 5:50 AM

You are making this a sort of “baker’s dozen” week, wanting to fulfill your commitment very fully. This is commendable, o son… you are welcome any time you come… for any reason. Just be certain you don’t over-compensate for this time of daily teaching and stay away excessively. You have many other things to do, certainly, but you do know the importance of these meditations.

Your class session dealing with play and use of leisure time yesterday was certainly a fine one. Each participated in some way, with several of them giving rather open accounts of themselves as persons. It was a good sharing session, and this is the kind of class most satisfying to Me. I do not disparage factual knowledge, but from My perspective the most important kind of learning is people learning about each other, where that learning touches upon spirit. When you are hearing another person tell of something that truly involves them you are getting a picture of spirit.

Art described times of being alone in the woods as important to him. He didn’t verbalize that this was a time for his spirit to grow, but I shall say that. Withdrawal from the world, from responsibilities and from people is certainly not desirable for everyone or for long periods of time, but for some it is necessary and spirit-building. Humans come with many temperaments. Each young person has not only their (his or her) childhood and “this-life” upbringing (all right) as influences, but also experiences, both positive and negative… growth enhancing and growth retarding… from life before this incarnation, even other “lives” here in the earth.

Out of such experiences may come needs to be by self, to be away from technology and other accretions of civilization, and away from active relations with other people. In such instances I can help a spirit grow, even when the person does not acknowledge Me. I operate in many forms, and I certainly am aware of reasons why persons neglect Me or reject Me as Jesus the Christ or as the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. I like to be accepted and encountered and I like to have My effects as these forms, but I am more committed to helping souls develop than I am in “one way”.

In contrast, Cynthia told of needs to be with other people, and this is “right” for many humans. The spiritual growth of such comes in human interaction, sharing ideas, sharing activities, even responsibilities. Another of My ways is “people helping people”… and never be willing to conclude dogmatically who is helping whom. Any time that you presume to be helping another certainly be aware of how that person or the situation may be of benefit to you. And yet the motivation to help others is certainly of a high spiritual nature, even when unacknowledged.

FRI., JULY 9, 1982, 5:50 AM

You are making this a sort of “baker’s dozen” week, wanting to fulfill your commitment very fully. This is commendable, o son… you are welcome any time you come… for any reason. Just be certain you don’t over-compensate for this time of daily teaching and stay away excessively. You have many other things to do, certainly, but you do know the importance of these meditations.

Your class session dealing with play and use of leisure time yesterday was certainly a fine one. Each participated in some way, with . . .

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