A Respite

FRI., NOV. 18, 1994, 7:20 AM

It is a time of respite, from classes and students. It is not a time of respite from Me or from the responsibilities and opportunities that stem from this relationship with Me. You shall have time to get these volumes up to date and to write the letters that are important to spiritual relationships. Together We can make it a good respite, even a super one.

As you previewed the video on prisoner visitation and heard of Roger’s enthusiasm for this utilization of time and spirit you had some feeling of “Should I be doing this too?” Yet you also were aware that you were interrupted twice during the previewing by students who needed time, advice, and spirit from you. This is the opportunity you still have and will continue to have as long as you have classes and advisees. Prisoners are important persons who have needs, and I certainly approve of programs such as this visitation one, but you can do more for students, and some of them need more time and attention from faculty than they get in a class setting. You have this capability, and I want you doing this, even as you shall have a relative respite from it in these days ahead. Serve where you are and are most relevant.

Your desk here is a mess again, so use some of your respite time for rearranging and casting away. Both here and at your office you must resist just saving everything. Be realistic about how you could use certain materials and publications, and be willing to cast some away as new ones arrive. Continue to assess, however, whether new ones are more desirable than some of those from the past.

Scripture reading is another expected recommendation for a respite time. I appreciate your diligence in reading for your Wednesday morning discussion, and I want you to continue to revisit ol’ Daniel, but take on something on your own, perhaps a portion for your group’s next study focus ( 7:46 / 8:57 ). You know Scripture well enough, and your Bible is marked rather well, for there to be much reinforcement of the principles I want you to honor… and also some passages you have not noticed in earlier study. Try to make application of Scripture to life as you live it now. That should be a rather regular source of applied knowledge. Take no respite from this study that I eternally recommend.

Each of your sons needs a letter from you, as do your folks, and, of course, Andy, Jane, Jack… and… I realize that when you feel this pressure you tend to put off the letter writing altogether. Set a goal of one per day. Make a list and follow it. While you’re still able, a respite from one kind of responsibility must mean time for others. Your letters are important to these loved ones. I don’t say perhaps.

FRI., NOV. 18, 1994, 7:20 AM

It is a time of respite, from classes and students. It is not a time of respite from Me or from the responsibilities and opportunities that stem from this relationship with Me. You shall have time to get these volumes up to date and to write the letters that are important to spiritual relationships. Together We can make it a good respite, even a super one.

As you previewed the video on prisoner visitation and heard of Roger’s enthusiasm for this utilization of time and spirit you had some feeling . . .

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