A Reunion It Was

SUN., OCT. 10, 1993, 7:20 AM

Yes, o son, a reunion it was… an evening with many persons you hadn’t seen in many years, even 50. It was not so much exciting as just fulfilling. The talk was not so much about high school as about how life had been in the 50 years since graduation. You had a “mission” that was given by Me. Your assessment was accurate. You didn’t do it superbly, but you had some success, and you were willing to try. This shall be a continuing pattern for future reunions, including those at Punahou.

The “good news” was that you were positive and enthusiastic about your life. The “not so good news” was that you didn’t indicate directly that I am involved in your life, and that it is spirit that is the basis for your happiness and smiling appearance. It would have been so easy, and, when you got close to that, with Beverly, the response was very easy. But you can’t go back and do it over. I’m not criticizing so much as I’m pushing you to do better in this mission you’ve accepted from Me.

I realize that the time was short, relatively, and you had many conversations… and if you had pursued some of the early ones at length, there wouldn’t have had time for some of the others. I was there with you. I am aware. Yet now, as you hear Me in this quiet place you begin to feel “how it could have been.” That’s all to your credit. Each time of even limited success, with reflection, moves you closer to how I would have you be.

Your time with Enide was good. She is having a hard time with life, both the business aspect and with her children. She has been “forced”, by her life circumstances, to rely on Me, letting Me at least help her with decision and actions. She wants to remain “a woman,” and yet she must make and carry out some “tough” decisions, away from which many women would run. You are a good influence in her life, and it is good that you’ll see her again soon. That was a positive step, which not only helped with a “place to stay” problem, but will give you a chance to share some Teachings with her and be a friend with whom she can confide.

The unexpected success was with Beverly, and you could see how willingly she responded when you asked her, rather directly, about spirit in her life. You shall continue to relate to her, for she will respond positively to your Letters, and you will be something she needs in this part of her life.

It is easier for you to relate in spiritual terms with women than with men. You didn’t give Skip a chance to tell you about his spiritual path, but your friendship continues, he shall continue to read Our Ruminations, and he will be ready to “talk spirit” whenever you initiate it. Lorna, too, will respond, but the approach will have to be different.

Roger also is open to telling you about his spiritual journey, and you realize that he did, in terms that were just a bit less than spiritual. His cancer and operation brought him closer to the essence of life, and this is the basis for a future conversation… or even letter.

SUN., OCT. 10, 1993, 7:20 AM

Yes, o son, a reunion it was… an evening with many persons you hadn’t seen in many years, even 50. It was not so much exciting as just fulfilling. The talk was not so much about high school as about how life had been in the 50 years since graduation. You had a “mission” that was given by Me. Your assessment was accurate. You didn’t do it superbly, but you had some success, and you were willing to try. This shall be a continuing pattern for . . .

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