A Revealing

WED., SEPT. 2, 1987, 5:40 AM

Last evening you told a class of your personal and professional experiences relating to health. You did not include any reference to Me, and you did not feel any urging to do so. I was with you, of course (even though you did not call on Me directly), and I did not press you to reveal yourself as a servant of Mine and one who knows the reality of spirit and Spirit. So hear Me, o son, as I muse about revealing on this cool morning.

You did reveal the conviction that your job in Hawaii, your marriage to Lenore, and your position here at this university have all been “determined”. You didn’t say how these “determinings” were caused, so some may be curious and ask you at some later time. Then you shall decide or I shall guide you as to whether Our relationship shall be revealed. The revealing may well be different with different individuals. There is no need to be consistent, for some may be ready to hear of this spiritual orientation, while others are not. Your task is that of teacher for a total year. Keep this perspective.

Revealings are potentially contagious. What you have said and implied may well encourage some others to tell you things about themselves that they would not have shared if you had not offered this “model.” A few may be turned off by this kind of a reveling, but most will appreciate it, and some will find opportunities to share some aspects of themselves that shall bring you closer as spiritual beings.

There would have been some merit in your declaring, “I am a born-again Christian,” so why didn’t I press for that? As a professional you should be identified as one interested in spiritual matters, and that has been done. You told about your back injury and how spiritual growth was fundamental to the healing process. That was far enough for the “public performance.” If anyone wants to pursue this you can then decide what more you should reveal. This requires spiritual artistry and a listening for My help.

Some will be intrigued by a revealing that your life has been determined in some ways. Some will be drawn by this, and others will tend to stand back because of this. You must just live the role of enthusiastic, warm, concerned teacher, and let that manifestation of spirit do what it can to bring some back. And you must be careful in not showing obvious favoritism toward those who respond most readily to you and whose orientations are most like yours. Remember the experiences with Larry Thomas and how he accepted your deviation from his considered position. You must be as encouraging of those who resist a spiritual orientation as of those who travel this path also… as difficult as this may be.

There are some advantages in keep yourself “unrevealed.” You are leading on a path of revealing, and this shall be threatening to some colleagues, as well as to some students. You hear Me say, “Go ahead” anyway. Your career is well enough established for you to include this in your teaching behavior. Use the reputation you have and the freedom that this allows to say to some, “Explore the spiritual path as a part of health. I find the rewards quite great.”

WED., SEPT. 2, 1987, 5:40 AM

Last evening you told a class of your personal and professional experiences relating to health. You did not include any reference to Me, and you did not feel any urging to do so. I was with you, of course (even though you did not call on Me directly), and I did not press you to reveal yourself as a servant of Mine and one who knows the reality of spirit and Spirit. So hear Me, o son, as I muse about revealing on this cool morning.

You did reveal the conviction . . .

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