A River Between Banks

SUN., JUNE 23, 1985, 6:19 AM

This description of human life here in the earth is an apt one, and I shall comment upon it this foggy morning. This week ahead you must be preparing, each day in some way, for this upcoming workshop. Read previous Teachings and review notes. But, most importantly, continue to consider how you shall balance the activities so that spirit is exhibited by and generated from the group. And yet I add… don’t try too hard. Just have alternatives assembled, and use what seems best… as I lead you. For I shall… more in this than in other teaching/learning ventures.

This description should be a part of the early introduction of this concept. This is not a perfect world, except as it is perfect by definition, for it is a creation of Mine. If the world that I have created has “gone bad” then I seem to be a poor, inept Creator. Not so, say I. There is some amount of what can be called evil in the earth, certainly, but there is, predominantly, good human/spiritual interaction among individuals and small groups. As a rough analogue, you could make some list of the harm that comes from the sun – skin cancer, excessive heat, drought, painful sun burn… but the sun is My most essential blessing to this earth. It generates tornadoes and hurricanes, but it is the physical structure that most symbolizes the giving of life… and its sustenance.

There is death, and this often seems tragic, but I am now allowing much more life than death, and humankind shall see that this great blessing, as you experience it individually and in known groups, can become “like an evil.” My chosen people, the Jews, wandered in the wilderness for forty years. I proclaimed that they would not enter the promised land until a designated number of the old, who had not been faithful to Me, had died, physically. Some of the young suffered (and you might say unnecessarily) because death did not come soon to some of these old.

Yet at the time of this suffering in the wilderness the spirit of a surviving people was building, and that spirit remains to this day, as Jews recall, again and yet again, this “building of a people.” As I have told you repeatedly, there are other realms with no conflict, no violence, no “bloody rivers.” These are wonderful, and they have their place in My “many mansions,” but for some they are not as growth-producing as this mean, tumultuous earth. The Jews might well have disappeared as a people if they had been allowed a direct trek into the promised land.

“While on the banks…” life is lived, with flowers, songs, and evidences of love and respect. Constructive and reparative work is done, and food is eaten, happily. Some look at the river often, and some only when it laps upon their shore. Lives can be lived simply, with most attention to the positives of life.

I do offer a calling to some souls to try to lessen the blood in the river. Some shall try to reduce and allay conflict. Some shall rescue and nurture those who are cast into this conflict. Some will deliver food, drink, and medicine, indirectly helping those who suffer because of the river’s current. Some work in air-conditioned offices, but their work, too, is directed toward the river.

SUN., JUNE 23, 1985, 6:19 AM

This description of human life here in the earth is an apt one, and I shall comment upon it this foggy morning. This week ahead you must be preparing, each day in some way, for this upcoming workshop. Read previous Teachings and review notes. But, most importantly, continue to consider how you shall balance the activities so that spirit is exhibited by and generated from the group. And yet I add… don’t try too hard. Just have alternatives assembled, and use what seems best… as I lead you. For I . . .

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