A Rocky Mountain Sunday

SUN., AUG. 13, 2000, 9:50 AM

It is a beautiful Sunday morning, as you look out at blue sky, a few white clouds, and these mountains that deserve to be called Rocky. The main celebrations are past, and the “big one,” last evening, with the luau and “program” was quite special. It was a somewhat confusing mixture of people, but as you and Lenore “decided,” this morning, it was BOTH a FAMILY reunion and a celebration of 50 years of Joyce and Bob’s marriage, so some “non-family” friends of theirs were included. Consider… that you might have a somewhat comparable experience when you cross on over into a spirit world – greetings from souls important in different aspects of your life, but not directly related to one another.

You are glad you came, and you were pleased that you were asked (as you expected) to “tell your stories,” in your form of pidgin. You had an unexpected talk with Rob, and though you may not be able to “encounter” some others that I suggested I’m pleased that you are here with Me and that you are looking for opportunities beyond the “social”. You’ll have more to say about this in Our next Ruminations, which you shall write soon after your return to life on the Farm.

You still are somewhat bothered by your increasing “tendencies” to be quieter in participation in groups, which is another “reason” for being pleased that you could still contribute to the fun, with these “stories.” (It was good that you “rehearsed” them a time or two, for your memory is clearly not as retentive as it has been.) I don’t want you to “retreat” too soon and too obviously, but I do urge you to reflect on the experiences you have, rather than just “going through them.” I use the term “contemplation,” and I’m edging you toward more time with Me and with contemplation. Just another form of “balance”… which will make your eventual transformation “smoother.”

The view out of this window is truly of “Rocky Mountains”… and also trees, horses, semi-green pastures… and a highway that makes all of this accessible. It is quite a different “scene” from yours at the Farm, and you appreciate the beauty in each. Your extensive traveling days are over. You remember the activities of your life that took you to many beautiful, memorable places. Those were good years in your life. Reflect on them, but have few wishes that they might return. (It is a bit ironic that as you now have the means to travel and experience more… and you didn’t have in earlier years, without other hardships… the urges for a return to “active years” dwindle, certainly).

Now understand that I’m not recommending (even commanding!) a complete change of life, but just of balance. You shall consider things you “could do,” but, increasingly, you’ll do fewer of such. BUT, be cautious about too much “protecting” of your health and, thus, this present earth life. As I say, often, live life fully and joyfully, but also appreciate your weaknesses and losses. You walked several miles yesterday (more than most others here), but didn’t volunteer for the more vigorous tug-of-war game. I don’t object to your having your heart action assessed, but mainly for “information purposes” rather than for whatever medical “interventions” that might be recommended. It’s still good for awhile as it now is functioning.

(You have decided not to go to church with “whoever is going,” with Lenore… and I usually don’t approve of such a choice… but I shall be pleased if you spend most of this next hour with earlier Teachings of Mine… and the contemplation they encourage.)

SUN., AUG. 13, 2000, 9:50 AM

It is a beautiful Sunday morning, as you look out at blue sky, a few white clouds, and these mountains that deserve to be called Rocky. The main celebrations are past, and the “big one,” last evening, with the luau and “program” was quite special. It was a somewhat confusing mixture of people, but as you and Lenore “decided,” this morning, it was BOTH a FAMILY reunion and a celebration of 50 years of Joyce and Bob’s marriage, so some “non-family” friends of theirs were included. Consider… that . . .

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