A Ruminations On Conversations…?

WED., AUG. 7, 1996, 8:40 AM

Yes, o son, it is time for you to be thinking about Our next Ruminations. You have some relatively free time now, and so you can at least develop the theme and the foci. You have until the end of September to get it out, according to your promise, but try to be a bit less rushed this time.

There are some interesting likenesses and differences between these Conversations I, as Almighty God, have had with Neale and these Teachings to you from Me, the Holy Spirit. Don’t bother with trying to determine if We are One and the Same or are Separate Entities. The answer to each, of course, is Yes. I am One with the Father and with the Son, Who also is One with Me and God. I also am Holy Spirit, with the privilege of teaching and guiding as I deem best. There is much in all of the realms that We have created… and certainly in this earth scene… that is not logical or consistent. As Spirit I don’t have to be consistent with God, or with Jesus. And yet what each of us does and says ultimately is One Message, though it may not seem that way to any of you.

I come to you as Spirit. I come to Neale as God. I come to countless others as Jesus, the Christ, and yet many of these perceive Me differently from one another, and hear somewhat different messages. Never fear, We know what We’re doing!

Such a Ruminations, as I seem to be suggesting, could be like some in the past where you’ve used Scriptural stories, printed in a third form of type, different from what represents Me… and you, I’ll help you decide what to include, but I’ll send you back to earlier Teachings that shall reinforce or counter what Neale has recorded from Me, as God. This may take more time than usual, but it’ll be worth it. You have no idea how Neale will react, but just know that it isn’t important to Me that he be enthusiastically accepting of your somewhat divergent gift.

The Scriptural passages that your group discussed this morning were some that described the very early Church, with no Scriptures of its own yet… but with dedicated comradeship, generosity, and the capacity for healing of physical abnormalities (plus some help from angels). Word spread from those who heard the preaching and storytelling and from those who witnessed the miracles. Yet there also was some realization that, as I directed Gamaliel to state, when the “originals” are gone, by death, imprisonment or whatever, the “movement” can die away. Written accounts of those happenings can postpone that demise… and even insure its continuation.

Yet you can also see that written-down Scriptures can be interpreted differently, bringing divisions among persons respecting the same Words. “Thou shalt not kill” is a commandment from the time of Moses accepted by both Jews and Christians as Holy Scripture (even the Holiest, by those most dedicated to Scripture, literally). This is the spiritual basis for fervent opposition to abortion, the taking of an innocent life. I have told you that I would be more favorable to the spirit of anti-abortionists if they were as strongly against weapons that can kill innocent people, militarily and socially, and were for more services to insure that babies not wanted have chances to grow up loved and functional and with good self-esteem. I have told Neale that I really don’t care what people do, but am interested in the Why of actions and inactions.

Since I am more concerned about the balance of life forms in a limited earth I am not bothered by deaths, including abortions, when the human population still is growing as it is. For balance there have to be deaths at every age. And, remember I am still “in charge” and have ultimate power, so if I want a conception to become a functioning human I can arrange that quite handily. Human wills can never prevail over Mine, should I choose to exert My Will.

WED., AUG. 7, 1996, 8:40 AM

Yes, o son, it is time for you to be thinking about Our next Ruminations. You have some relatively free time now, and so you can at least develop the theme and the foci. You have until the end of September to get it out, according to your promise, but try to be a bit less rushed this time.

There are some interesting likenesses and differences between these Conversations I, as Almighty God, have had with Neale and these Teachings to you from Me, the Holy Spirit. Don’t bother with . . .

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