A “Saga(ette)” of Michael

FRI., JAN. 15, 1999, 10:43 AM (CST)

You look out at the apparently flat earth below, for you are on another journey. It is to see Michael’s physical self for the last time, in the flesh, and it is to congregate with members of your family to celebrate his life. Remember how Rob commenced the service for his Dad and brother – we are here to celebrate these lives, more important than mourning. Michael was one to celebrate. Just assume he is and will be, “among you”.

Michael had a positive, happy, contagious spirit. You noticed that in his early “crib days”, as a kiddy-car rider, as a student/actor/athlete… and on into adult life. Mostly he loved his life and the living of it, in your family and then in his own. You love the picture of you and him, intent on singing a hymn in church. His choice (and Mine, partly) of a church was different from yours, and this caused some “upset” in you and in him. But, as you certainly know by now, I do love diversity, and that form of My Body, and that congregation were good for him… and him for them.

You know that your Dad was, for years, somewhat skeptical about this that We do together… that he came to appreciate many of these Teachings, and now it is difficult to know how he feels about anything… and this applies to him as well.

As Jesus, My earthly father, Joseph, was quite “bi-polar” about Me. On the one hand he accepted that I was not an ordinary child… that, on My account, he experienced angels and “divine guidance”… but he also had some of that “why me?” feeling. I was a “mixed blessing” for that faithful carpenter man.

Michael had aspirations, some of which he achieved, some not. But he was cheerfully adaptable (most of the time), and he sculpted a life that was satisfying, full of love, even as some of the “results” were not his purported intentions. He lived life fully and with gusto, and, hence, many aspects turned out better than might have been expected. Now he must adapt to another, more lasting, manifestation of life, and, as you would expect, he is meeting these opportunities with a joyful spirit. He didn’t expect these sorts of opportunities at this “middle portion” of an expected earth life, but as you remember, he was quite adaptable.

You ponder, from time to time, what the Gospel stories would have been, if I, as Jesus, had lived on into My 70’s, 80’s… even 100’s? Would I have been as charismatic, as dynamic as an “oldster” as I was in the young adulthood that I only had? Would I have had more to say about human life, the earth, and their relationships with heavenly realms… or would the messages just be “repeats, repeats”?

Would Michael have kept his dynamic spirit, or would he have “mellowed” in some ways? This is John Patrick’s 42nd birthday today, and he certainly is different, in several (good) ways, than he was as a younger man. Michael now has a wider, deeper perception of himself as an ongoing soul, and he is mostly pleased with how he “has been”. As I told you before, he has regrets about leaving earth life so soon and so abruptly, but these are almost countered by the joys of increased knowledge and perceptions that he now has.

Will he be amongst you this weekend as he is remembered, lauded, prayed for, and…? But he also is adapting fast, and he won’t try to hold on to what is past, even as this can be so tempting. So, yes, he will be a “participant”, in ways imaginable and unimaginable. Remember, some of what Peter accomplished! And Michael has greater “capacities”.

FRI., JAN. 15, 1999, 10:43 AM (CST)

You look out at the apparently flat earth below, for you are on another journey. It is to see Michael’s physical self for the last time, in the flesh, and it is to congregate with members of your family to celebrate his life. Remember how Rob commenced the service for his Dad and brother – we are here to celebrate these lives, more important than mourning. Michael was one to celebrate. Just assume he is and will be, “among you”.

Michael had a positive, happy, contagious spirit . . .

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