A Season Of Rebirth

SUN., MAR. 11, 1990, 6:40 AM

Warmth has returned, and green is appearing in many places. This is one of the wonderful aspects of living in a place with definite seasons. The cold and drabness of winter seems to be past (remember that I choose not to take control of or affect the weather, so any return of cold would not be of My doing). The season of rebirth will soon be yours to enjoy.

Spring is this season of rebirth, which coincides with the Easter season in the church. In trees, shrubs, and grass there has been an apparent deadness. In most cases this shall give way to the emergence of colorful shoots and blossoms – new life in a new season. In a few cases, because of the extreme cold of the season past, the deadness shall maintain, confirming that this plant has not survived. This, too, is normal for the earth I have created. In the midst of new and teeming life there is death, even destruction.

Your planting has commenced, and of this I approve. Continue to turn and enrich your soil. Be more diligent than you have been in taking advantage of this new season. It is good for your health to work on this land that is yours. You envision that some time in the future you would not want to do such work. That may be so, but also hear Me say that this kind of work is necessary for good life. It is not good just to live in the earth without giving back to it by encouraging growth and maintaining beauty. Do not just continue life. Live… as fully as your body, mind, and spirit allow.

You know that you have a Ruminations to write, as a fulfillment of this winter season that is retreating. I do not doubt that you will do this, but the coming of the new season shall make it more difficult. You have the theme, and you have, yet again, material in abundance. I have done My part in providing you the Teachings. Now let your spirit guide you in using these in our collaborative letter. This is a true joint effort, symbolic of life in the earth. We are co-creators, thee and Me. And I find it good.

As you plant seeds new plants arise. With trees and perennials the story is rebirth. New life is evident in an enduring plant. So, I tell you (and continue to assure you that you are a Christian), it is with human life. Some new babies are like the plants that arise from seeds… new and available only for the warm season. Others, that appear to be births are actually rebirths, a maturing or even a truly old soul in the form of a new baby. I like the story that I, as Jesus, the son of God Almighty, brought forth as a creation by Mary and Me, was born as a baby and grew to maturity in a natural way. I did not descend full grown, even though spiritually I was. In the fullness of spirit I came as a babe, and grew as a child. And, yes, it is a loss that Mary kept the stories of My growing and developing as her son, Jesus, in her heart, not leaving them for generations to come, including yours.

As a man I gave My life, and My life was taken. As My body ceased to live I began My short “winter season.” Then came rebirth, with a body and capacities to communicate, but no longer bound by time and space. I, as Jesus, was reborn into another form of life. I, the Holy Spirit, was reborn at Pentecost to be of more direct help to humans in the earth.

Ah, rebirth! The first small rabbits died, and some roses have not survived. Yet there shall be an abundance of new life in this spring season. And it is your joyful task to tend and husband these manifestations of spirit.

SUN., MAR. 11, 1990, 6:40 AM

Warmth has returned, and green is appearing in many places. This is one of the wonderful aspects of living in a place with definite seasons. The cold and drabness of winter seems to be past (remember that I choose not to take control of or affect the weather, so any return of cold would not be of My doing). The season of rebirth will soon be yours to enjoy.

Spring is this season of rebirth, which coincides with the Easter season in the church. In trees, shrubs, and grass there has . . .

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