A Season Of Variety

SAT., DEC. 22, 1984, 12:20 PM

In this unusual place you come to hear My voice as I comment on the variety of experiences that this holiday season is offering you. When you travel there always is more possibility of new and unexpected experiences; you know this and have been prepared for it. Just know that I am with you in these experiences, and that all have some potential for growth in you and in others.

You have had some chances to drive in the worst of weather conditions, but also remember the perfectly ideal. See this as a parable. You enter the fog, and dangers increase. You emerge, unscathed, to conditions that are boring with their safeness. Travel takes you over ice and through rough road, and your car must be repaired. Then the sun shines gloriously… until the fog returns… then snow and ice. And now the human condition of traffic and error, and again the beautiful has been challenged. The good human life has this variety. The beauty blooms, and then comes fog and ice. Unexpected delay comes before beauty and harmony are restored.

Do not resent these “rough times”, for they can be better parts of life than the serene and untroubled. I have told you many times that you need not seek these times of trouble deliberately, but know that some will come… and that you should welcome these, being aware and appreciative of how you react, how others act and react, and how the world, this earth of Mine, functions.

You still must be careful in expressing the truth I have shared with you about the balance of life, here in the earth. Just as every sperm or ovum cell is not destined to become a new blessed creature, so every person born is not destined for a life of three score and ten. So in a season when a new life is celebrated (and because you know the whole story, which culminates in the salvation and continuing life of all in a particularly blessed way), there also will be loss of life, some suddenly and tragically, and some slow, agonizingly, but expected. Ultimate life is in the spirit, so the length of individual physical lives is of no terrible consequence to Me. I can save, and I can prolong life. I can take life, even “prematurely”. But mostly I let the earth work its interactions, and help with spiritual growth.

Remember, in this regard, that one of the post-Christmas stories tells of many baby Jewish boys being killed because of what was predicted about Me as a potential Jewish leader. This is not remembered as a season of systematic murder, partially attributable to Me, now is it? This amount of variety is not often encouraged.

This is a season of some ambivalence for you in relation to gift-giving. You do not give gifts as you sometimes would like, and some of this is stinginess on your part, but, to your credit, some is proper resistance to the commercialism that encourages the purchase of many and expensive gifts. Continue to give your Christmas letter, perhaps a bit earlier this year. Continue to give the Ruminations to many who shall appreciate this more than some bauble or mechanism. Continue your special gifts of letters, and the special times you can promise and contract for. Learn continually from Lenore about giving small gifts, but ones that “fit”. Give as it is yours to give. I give Myself to you in a unique way. You may emulate this… appropriately.

SAT., DEC. 22, 1984, 12:20 PM

In this unusual place you come to hear My voice as I comment on the variety of experiences that this holiday season is offering you. When you travel there always is more possibility of new and unexpected experiences; you know this and have been prepared for it. Just know that I am with you in these experiences, and that all have some potential for growth in you and in others.

You have had some chances to drive in the worst of weather conditions, but also remember the . . .

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