A Sermon For Sunday

TUES., AUG. 10, 1999, 11:46 AM

Yes, o son, you have agreed to be the sermon-giver at Dan’s Presbyterian Church in Marion, now just 5 days from now. You have to have the Scripture readings in by tomorrow, so this task/opportunity does rise (not too mystically) in priority. Naturally I shall help with this, but you have to be here… and listen.

Yes, you’ve misplaced the small sheet with the possible topics, but I’d say you should focus on spirituality and health. First, offer a BRIEF summary of what health is, in secular, medical terms, expanding to an holistic model, with the spiritual as the integrating, combining factor. Then move on to the spiritual, describing it in both general and religious terms. You’ll have to find some Scriptural passages to help with this, and I’ll guide you in this, also (if you’ll give Me a chance!)

Bring in, somehow, that in Presbyterian history there are roots in predestination and chosenness. Yet you need to add, practically, that this could not be a “mainline” protestant, American church, if this were emphasized… even used as a basis for membership. The parallel presumption is that the Church is some amalgam of the chosen (some of whom know it… and some not) and those who come “of their own free will.” And yes, the parable of Predestination would be a relevant inclusion.

Yes, do affirm that you have been chosen, but be humble about it. It is not easy to state clearly that you have been chosen, for this can be bothersome to those who have no such assurance. You can do this, emphasizing that in being chosen to receive Teachings there is a required commitment, almost no matter what the other life commitments are.

Then raise the question… for it must be a question for a typical Presbyterian congregation… as to whether there should be diversity among Christians… and if so, how much? Can there be such a “thing” as a Presbyterian mystic? How about a Presbyterian drunk? Remember that I had a former tax-collector as a disciple of Mine, as Jesus… and one who was destined to betray Me. Hmmm.

Spiritual experiences come in many “forms,” and only a few recognize and appreciate these, as they are experienced. By definition these can’t be proved, in any accepted scientific way. (But, of course, for most of you, “scientific findings” are accepted almost on a mystical basis. Science has a somewhat god-like status in your culture which includes the probability of being rejected by some). Your culture is also “sold on” free will and on responsibility for what happens. Oh, you still use the term “act of God” for certain “natural” catastrophic events, but only a few actually “blame God” for such tragedies.

Yes, why not use that favorite portion of Ecclesiastes as your Old Testament reading, as a basis for God’s plan for this earth scene – goodness… a time to or for… even in opposites. A time to be born, and a time to die… and what time is it now? Consider using the illustration of the deaths of Peter, Michael, and your Dad as a backdrop to… “What is your time to die”?

Yes, I see no reason not to include the fact that your body is, in medical prognosis, dying. Your career has died, so mentally, socially, and emotionally you are making a transition to… not quite clear yet. Spiritually you are quite alive, with more opportunity for this to be the dominant dimension of your health. You shall have the opportunity, unless I chose to zap your cancers, in direct or indirect ways, to prepare for this last transition, unlike sons Peter and Michael, apparently.

TUES., AUG. 10, 1999, 11:46 AM

Yes, o son, you have agreed to be the sermon-giver at Dan’s Presbyterian Church in Marion, now just 5 days from now. You have to have the Scripture readings in by tomorrow, so this task/opportunity does rise (not too mystically) in priority. Naturally I shall help with this, but you have to be here… and listen.

Yes, you’ve misplaced the small sheet with the possible topics, but I’d say you should focus on spirituality and health. First, offer a BRIEF summary of what health is, in . . .

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