A Sermon Opportunity

SUN., DEC. 27, 1992, 1:35 PM

Now you’re back again, uncomfortable but aware that I can be of help as you prepare for this sermon opportunity. I applaud your (Our) decision to use the designated lectionary Scripture passages. Remember to explain to your hearers that you accept the discipline of incorporating these readings and also trust that the Holy Spirit (I Am) will show you a way to make these relevant to the present day.

Your general impression of these Scriptures are that they are hopeful… Christ has always been; God will rescue and bless us, as I did the ancient Jews; God has chosen us and wants us to choose Him, reciprocally. There are many Scriptures that would not have this positive spirit shining forth. At least you have interpreted them this way, and with this I agree.

I would recommend linking these generally positive affirmations with the New Year and then offer some comments on present day issues and challenges about which Scripture has few or no comments. Thus your theme will be that on this first Sunday in 1993 you (We) Christians must look both to the Holy Scriptures AND to the current world, trying to determine what these ancient holy words and concepts have to say about modern problems. If nothing directly, how do general Biblical premises guide us? If this latter isn’t clear, should Christians be united or is division inevitable, even desirable on certain national and world issues?

For example, medical care… there is nothing in these Holy Scriptures about modern medical treatments, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, for example. There is nothing about physicians applying God-given medical knowledge, having minds and hands guided by Me. I have told you much about medical care, so, particularly, reread that Ruminations on this theme. As Jesus I approached illness and disability as a test of spirit or as the cure being evidence of God’s unique power over this physical earth, its peoples, and even its natural processes. I said, “your sins are forgiven you; take up your bed and walk,” and a man did just that. This is still a factor, but it isn’t something to manipulate, as medications do. If you trust Me to provide more bodily life and health you must also trust Me when I don’t “come through” and death comes sooner than “it should.” Remember that there’s no way to prove that each of you humans doesn’t have a predetermined number of years, even days, to live. Fatal conditions may just be necessary to accomplish this destiny.

Another issue would be the cost and the way of paying for medical care for every American. Again, you get no help from Scripture. There are no verses that tell you the superiority of single-payer, government medicine or of payments by competing, myriad insurance companies. There is nothing that indicates that full medical coverage, for whatever ails anyone in this culture may develop, is a basic human right. The best you can find about length of life is three score and ten… or perhaps 4 score years. Should these figures be part of national policy in relation to life-prolonging treatment?

Then there’s production of goods and even services. The health of your economy is bettered and worsened by fluctuations in production. Does Scripture give support to this as one of My priorities? Check the parables… are they consistent or do they both approve and disapprove of production? As I have told you, I do not favor any particular political or economic system. Therefore it is normal for Christians to be divided, even on such a basic economic issues as this. There are Christians, even dedicated ones, in both the Democrat and Republican parties, in industry and in environmental protest groups.

SUN., DEC. 27, 1992, 1:35 PM

Now you’re back again, uncomfortable but aware that I can be of help as you prepare for this sermon opportunity. I applaud your (Our) decision to use the designated lectionary Scripture passages. Remember to explain to your hearers that you accept the discipline of incorporating these readings and also trust that the Holy Spirit (I Am) will show you a way to make these relevant to the present day.

Your general impression of these Scriptures are that they are hopeful… Christ has always been; God will rescue and bless us . . .

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