A Set-Up For Grace?!

SUN., OCT. 1, 1995, 6:02 AM

Welcome back, o son. You’ve dealt with your various pressures pretty well this past week, even to finishing Our Ruminations and, symbolically, having some of it ready for reproduction. But that meant no time for Teachings, and I am not in favor of such a week. You needn’t come everyday this week, but I expect you more often than usual.

This morning you should spend some time in your class/forum on the Ecclesiastes article, and some on material from the Guide book. Then comes reaction to these selected passages from My Sermon, as Jesus. Yes, these are “hard words”, which are a balance to other utterances of Mine and to some of the revelations I sent through My servant Paul.

If you read what Matthew had Me saying about the laws of Moses in a literal way it presents Me as the Super Pharisee. I am perfect, they come next, and you must be even more so. Otherwise you’ll not spend your eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven. But if you interpret it mystically I’m saying that I am the fulfillment of these laws. I am Truth, and if you have your hand in Mine these laws are mystically fulfilled and are unnecessary. I take your failures to keep them upon Myself, and it is as if you fulfilled every one completely, every day. The purpose of these laws was to lead you to Me. Their purpose has been fulfilled.

Mystically, again, I say that if you try to live by these laws and teach others to live by them, and then break some and encourage this in others, you will find yourself farther and farther away from Me. If you try to be as good as the best Pharisee/Christian you know… even as this seems to be a good model you are missing the real Model. I am that One. If you are a slave to Me you are free from the law, that ultimate law of karma.

This is the counter to the law called “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth”. As stated, if some harms you, you must do likewise to him. The counter in karma is that if you do respond as this law affirms then the same will happen to you again. So if you keep this law violence will continue, as it continues in Bosnia in these days, and as it does in some neighborhoods in your country.

I tell you to cast that law aside and take punishment, as I did. Give what you have to others, as I did. Do what others need doing, as I did. But, mystically, I am not a model to emulate. I am the One who did it all perfectly, by definition. Therefore, if you are with Me, and in Me, and accept Me as a part of you you are perfect… and this is the only way this state can be achieved.

I also said in effect, that My “new law” was that if you had relationships to improve or regain you should do this before you come to Me. And don’t you suppose that you’d never get back to My altar, because one “improvement” would lead to another, and then to a set-back, and then… You didn’t have time for Me because of all the responsibilities that seemed more crucial this week. If your hand weren’t rather firmly in Mine, and if I didn’t hang on to you, as I choose to do, you would be doing good, but would be farther away from “the action” of My Kingdom.

SUN., OCT. 1, 1995, 6:02 AM

Welcome back, o son. You’ve dealt with your various pressures pretty well this past week, even to finishing Our Ruminations and, symbolically, having some of it ready for reproduction. But that meant no time for Teachings, and I am not in favor of such a week. You needn’t come everyday this week, but I expect you more often than usual.

This morning you should spend some time in your class/forum on the Ecclesiastes article, and some on material from the Guide book. Then comes reaction to these selected . . .

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