A Sharing Of Stories

WED., AUG. 25, 1982, 5:34 PM

You experienced an unexpected sharing of spiritual stories and insights last evening, o son, and you surely desire My comments on this interaction among servants of Mine. It was the kind of evening I enjoy… “as the saints go marching in.”

You are a bit slow in getting to your correct, desirable “bearings”… telling your own story without taking an adversary position. Those who can quote Scripture better than you can will have an advantage over you in any argumentative debate, so if you do not want to feel chagrined or “defeated” at the conclusion you should do one of two things. You can develop your “argument” based on Scriptures that you memorize and can correctly identify and on historical accounts of the early church. Or you can stick to your individual testimonial story and keep encouraging the premise that no one can know all of God’s ways and purposes… that the most Christian behavior is to share stories, rather than be judging others. At this time I don’t really care which tack you take. Naturally, if you won’t do the former, you’ll have to take the latter path. If you do the requisite learning you then will have a choice. And this is one of those unique moments when you have the freest choice, for, now, I truly don’t have a preference.

Lenore was right in her observation that you did not come across as clearly and as convincingly as you should have, given the help I have offered to you in these teachings. I want to urge you now (and this time of sharing was part of that urging) to spend some of your musing time in thinking through some of these questions and clarifying your personal story.

Mabel’s story is different from yours and always will be. She has an advantage of many more years as a born again servant and as a student of the Scriptures. Listen carefully and thoughtfully to her, yet do not consider that she is right and you are wrong. She has insights you should consider, as does Anthony, but do not feel that she should come to your way or you to hers. Just listen for the truth that “fits”.

You gently admonished her (and Michael, too) not to cast these teachings out or openly deny that these originate in Me, the Holy Spirit. That was important. Keep such soft and gentle, but make each definite, nevertheless. The Pharisees knew the Scriptures and denied My message. It is still possible to be a Pharisee. Though I loved them for their orthodoxy I could be angered by their over-valuation of what they knew.

WED., AUG. 25, 1982, 5:34 PM

You experienced an unexpected sharing of spiritual stories and insights last evening, o son, and you surely desire My comments on this interaction among servants of Mine. It was the kind of evening I enjoy… “as the saints go marching in.”

You are a bit slow in getting to your correct, desirable “bearings”… telling your own story without taking an adversary position. Those who can quote Scripture better than you can will have an advantage over you in any argumentative debate, so if you do not want . . .

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