A Short Treatise on Life “Here in the Earth”

July 2, 2024
Farm Library

(This is NOT a Teaching. It is a compilation of two Teachings, on two consecutive days, that spoke of a single subject: “Here in the Earth”. It is an attempt to “boil down” the essence of these Teachings. The two Teachings are “Here in the Earth” and “Here in the Earth… Another Try”)

“It is I, the Holy Spirit of God Almighty, incarnated in the earth as Jesus the Christ, Who speak to you. I speak this day of life here in the earth … in contrast to life in other realms of being.

Most fundamentally, life in the earth is a test of spiritual development. The earth is a testing place. There was an initial start in the garden, but it was too much like other realms. I had to make it different. So I created evil, and I gave humans will. Now some would resist the affirmation that I created evil, but from where else could it come? You know I created this earth… for My purposes. No one else snuck in as creator. What is here, I am responsible for.

I created a process of procreation, so there would be bodies into which souls could incarnate. And each of these souls is given a will. Actually, it is part of the developed self, but there is a special exercise of it in the earth.

Your life to be lived in human form is a test, and you need no other knowledge to take it. In fact, it is a better test if you don’t know anything beyond.

There are many realms other than the earth. There are even different states of being here in the earth. Yes, the work of angels and evil spirits goes on amongst you… but it does no harm not to know of these other aspects.

Most Christians today interpret the Scriptures as indicating only one life in the earth. There are indications of other realms and of returns to the earth, but they hold to “their” Scriptures. They are not wrong for doing this.

It does no harm when Christians do not believe in the universality of resurrection. They just are a bit surprised when they die and return to consciousness of all they ever have been and of where they are on the spiritual path toward enlightenment.

Each time that you come into the earth you have to deal with will and with the illusion that freedom comes in exercising that will. The illusion that the physical is the central reality.

It seems as though free will gives freedom… not so. This is the strange truth that each must learn in the earth: true freedom comes from accepting grace and living with your will attuned to Mine.

The secret… is to discover that the main purpose is that you bring your will and Mine into agreement and congruence.

All the tests of life are ultimately of Spirit. But the earth concepts of responsibility and blame and fairness obscure this reality.

The earth is not a test you pass or fail… Rather, it is a test that finally must be passed. The test of recognizing the spiritual in the midst of the obviously material. The test of knowing that you are ultimately spiritual when the evidence points surely to physical and mental and social.

The earth is an important experience. I lived it as Jesus and that brought a balance to the knowledge I had as Creator. The Scriptures are your basic knowledge source, but this (Teaching) gives a little better balance.