A Sign

THURS., JAN. 29, 1987, 7:12 AM

Do I still offer signs? Do I give warnings of coming disaster? Do I offer views into the future? The answer to these questions is the same… Yes… but sparingly. Fit this under the way I have told you that I operate in the earth, and you will conclude that I don’t do much changing of the natural order of things, but I am active in encouraging spiritual growth. So it isn’t a real clear picture, is it, o son?

You are not a dreamer of significant, clear dreams. Still, you went back to bed this morning, and uncharacteristically had a clear dream that seemed like a sign. Yet the details were wrong, and as you awoke no damage had been done. Is this a sign with symbolic value? Not particularly, but I have just told you that there are signs in the earth (not all from Me, directly), and most of them are intended to be helpful, so, yes, be aware. Don’t fret overlong about the significance of this dream, but try to appreciate how it might point, in some way, to helpful understanding.

Signs can be quite natural, quite supernatural, and some of both. Dreaming is, in one sense, a natural phenomenon. Scientists study dreaming and have come to some conclusions about this natural functioning of the brain. The content of dreams can be systematically studied, but there is no one way to interpret the wide range of images experienced. Are dreams just naturally inaccurate, or is there some supernatural reason why details are changed, making the dream different than the reality it seems to mirror?

Take it as a sign that the reality you perceive is not necessarily the only reality. You can be concerned about some situations as you perceive it. If you are perceiving it wrongly, the concern may be unwarranted. My admonition, give no thought for the morrow, was not just a one-liner thrown out for children and simple folk. Part of its truth is that humans have always given too much attention to faulty projections about the future, in economic and political terms. The spiritual analog to… give no thought… is that every experience, including calamities galore and even dying, is an opportunity for spiritual growth, and this is what abides.

Anything that you have or expect to have can be in ruin, in symbol form just like the charred structure in your dream. And yet from every such experience your spirit can increase. You know this and you can feel it now as I am with you in this writing experience, yet later today you shall be thinking and acting as if you had never heard this fundamental good news.

Be aware of potential signs, for they can offer you practice in seeing the spiritual benefit of any happening. Be aware that true reality is spiritual, even as your earth experience teaches against this. Are there signs from evil forces which can mislead you? Oh, I suppose so, but if you keep your hand in Mine your life shall not be threatened in this way. Some folk do give such credence to satan and his alleged ability to disrupt life that they waste much of life’s real opportunity.

THURS., JAN. 29, 1987, 7:12 AM

Do I still offer signs? Do I give warnings of coming disaster? Do I offer views into the future? The answer to these questions is the same… Yes… but sparingly. Fit this under the way I have told you that I operate in the earth, and you will conclude that I don’t do much changing of the natural order of things, but I am active in encouraging spiritual growth. So it isn’t a real clear picture, is it, o son?

You are not a dreamer of significant, clear dreams . . .

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