A Simple Verse!?

SAT., OCT. 21, 1995, 7:10 AM

Tomorrow you shall, by invitation, present a Bible to a small African boy, a son of a student of yours. In the ceremony you shall present this book of Holy Scriptures to Daku and then you shall read the passage he has chosen as most important to him… which is John 3:16. This is familiar to you, and you could say it, in the old King James wording that you first learned, but you’ll read it from the version he shall receive. But what does it mean? Shouldn’t you have My interpretation of it, before you read it aloud? Of course.

“For God so loved the world…” This is the opening statement, and it is fundamental. I, as Almighty God, am the Creator of this earth realm, and I continue to create. The whole process has been established, and I mostly just sustain and allow the process to continue, in its very complex way. There is a certain amount of natural loss, which I balance with new creation, or modifications that seem necessary because of changes in the balances. You humans, through your ingenuities and because of your numbers are now complicating this creative and sustaining task, but I still am in charge, and I still love this world.

I am not surprised at this human behavior, and I can only partly put any blame on individuals and cultures, for I am the Creator, and all credit or blame ultimately is Mine. So My Creation process continues, toward a more sustainable balance. I love humans, the creation with souls that continue beyond bodily death, but there must needs be fewer of them… at least a diminishing of the increase in numbers. Thus, My love for the world must result in more deaths… in the midst of much good life.

“… that He gave His only begotten Son…” My greatest gift to this world that I love was, and is, a part of Me, My Special Son, Jesus, Who became the Christ. He… I… lived on this earth in bodily form. I taught. I preached. I lived in ways that remain an example for you now. Then, to show that sacrifice is more important than just more earth life I allowed the leaders of My chosen people to bring about My death, a painful and “shameful” death by crucifixion.

But then I returned for a time, to show that death is only an event in continuing life. I was given to the world, taken away by death, but then I was back. Though My Body ascended and was gone, I remain, One with the Father God, who gave Me to the world.

“… that whosever believeth in Him…” My story, as Jesus, was written in four Gospels, and My servant Paul wrote letters… and there were other writings that formed the New Testament. Hence through these words can come knowledge of Me, as the Word. And there has been and will be Belief. Many who hear will come to believe, and some, because of their spiritual development, and others, because of being chosen and assisted by Me, the Holy Spirit, will KNOW what they believe. They will KNOW, in their spirits, that I am both their Source and their End.

“… shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is the great promise, which is the ultimate reality for you humans here in the earth. Death is necessary here, and it appears, to the human mind, that it is a perishing. I did not perish, as Jesus, and, with knowledge of and love for Me, as the Triune God, you shall not perish either, but go on to continuing, everlasting, eternal life.

SAT., OCT. 21, 1995, 7:10 AM

Tomorrow you shall, by invitation, present a Bible to a small African boy, a son of a student of yours. In the ceremony you shall present this book of Holy Scriptures to Daku and then you shall read the passage he has chosen as most important to him… which is John 3:16. This is familiar to you, and you could say it, in the old King James wording that you first learned, but you’ll read it from the version he shall receive. But what does it mean? Shouldn’t . . .

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