A Singing Heart

THURS., JUNE 14, 1984, 7:07 AM

Your circumstances are not ideal today, o son, as you commence this meditation, but there may be some improvement during the process. The title is a symbolic one, of course, but it is an expression of truth, nevertheless.

As a scientist and health professional you know the heart to be a describable muscular organ. It certainly is actually and symbolically the vital organ for continued life and health, and therefore in your medically sophisticated culture there is much concern, research, publicity, and personal testimony about heart attacks and other coronary and circulatory problems and about transplants, bypasses, and the like. In a strict sense, then, the heart is an important part of the body structure, which should be maintained and strengthened by a healthy lifestyle… and repaired and medicated in times of distress.

The heart also has a romantic quality, for it is portrayed as the seat of love. Songs, poems, and symbols of many sorts tell of the love that the heart generates, one for another. Romantic love and attraction of one to another is a mixed blessing certainly, but definitely a blessing that I designed for this earth plane. The heart as the center for romance is not to be disparaged.

This morning, however, I give you the title “a singing heart”, and this is another important symbol. I have told you that joy is the ultimate spiritual feeling, and it does follow, then, that singing is the expression of joy… not the only one, but quite a good one. So, in the expression, “the heart sings” there is the implication of joy felt in and expressed by this vital organ.

It is a holistic concept, you see. When you sing it should “come from the heart.” A person with a singing heart is one that is beyond mere physical health. Other dimensions of well-being are implied, for a singing heart reaches out to and is noticed by others, at the same time as it reflects an inner balance that is happy with self and the circumstances of life. Each of these abet the other… as you feel good about life you express it, and as you express it others are positively affected, and as it is obvious that you have affected others in good ways your own sense of and love for self is increased… in the way that it should be.

Yet there is another dimension. Since I am in you and you are finally a part of Me, and of all others who are a part of Me, your singing heart is influenced by Mine. You will go to church on Sunday, for the last time here, and there will be hymns to sing. With some because of familiarity and words your heart will certainly accompany your voice. And the singing of others will also affect the singing heart. You can recall the thrills from singing with others, and the spiritual nature of those thrills was certainly enhanced because hearts, as well as voices, were singing together and feel the union that is ultimate.

Hear also that a singing heart can be one of quiet joy. All songs are not sung aloud. In fact, there can be singing with no definite songs, in this spiritual sense. Some who have the gift of tongues simply feel and express a song of love, praise, and thanksgiving which has no intelligible words and no repeatable music. And some will have this with no expression of sound at all. Yet they experience the singing in the heart, and the joy that is felt is enhanced even more.

THURS., JUNE 14, 1984, 7:07 AM

Your circumstances are not ideal today, o son, as you commence this meditation, but there may be some improvement during the process. The title is a symbolic one, of course, but it is an expression of truth, nevertheless.

As a scientist and health professional you know the heart to be a describable muscular organ. It certainly is actually and symbolically the vital organ for continued life and health, and therefore in your medically sophisticated culture there is much concern, research, publicity, and personal testimony about heart attacks and other coronary . . .

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