A Single Goal?

SAT., MAR. 20, 1999, 7:14 AM

I approve of this discussion group of which you shall be a part, starting Monday. For I agree that you, and many Americans like you, need to simplify life. Yet I also realize that this is easier said than done in this culture of yours. But this morning I’ll speak mostly about this notion that you have difficulty accepting – having a single goal in life. The alternatives seem to be: having multiple goals that change with circumstances and times… or… having no goals, just living life as it comes.

As you might expect My nomination for a single goal in life would be to serve Me… in a variety of ways, but with this single, though somewhat composite Goal. One “service” of which I certainly would approve is this listening to Me, writing down these Teachings, using them as the basis for Our Ruminations, and keeping them in some order, so that they could be available to some others after this earth life of yours is pau. (Aha! I haven’t used that term in awhile!) This is an almost solitary service, and son John Patrick abets this with his especial service of converting these handwritten pages into computer-generated single printed sheets.

Another form of service is a mutual one: you and Lenore caring for each other, each making life somewhat easier and pleasanter for the other. Since I was quite involved in bringing you together, (a new pad… isn’t it nice to have some of these in reserve and know where to get more, when necessary? A “liturgical aside”!) so I see it as a service to Me when you each serve the other, in continuing love.

You serve Me in what you do for the ongoing life of this portion of My Body, Presbyterian, of which you are a part. Some of these “services,” like the Newsletter and the Clerk’s work, can be frustrating, but… remember… that sage advice from an old Hindu saint, whom you “met” only vicariously through your old professor: do whatever you do for God and leave the consequences to Him. That seems like a “single Goal,” doesn’t it?!

It also is a service to Me to interact positively, warmly, and cheerfully with all those you meet and with whom you interact. I want human life here on earth to be as pleasant and happy as possible (though you immediately recognize that if I am as “in charge” as I tell you I am, I must continue to cause or allow much strife and suffering, sometimes for worthy goals and sometimes not so.)… and I accomplish this through many servants, like yourself (and better), who in small and larger ways encourage one another.

You are one of the fortunate (relatively) few who are privileged to live on a place that you love. Yes, I was involved in Lenore’s finding this Farm, for it is the “best place” for both of you… and for family members as they return to visit. When you moved here, 27 years ago, it was a “family place,” with much activity. You tried to keep this Farm neat and functional, but you also had “father” responsibilities, as well as professorial and professional ones. It certainly was harder to have a single goal then than it is now, with your relatively few responsibilities. Still… see it as service to Me when you clean up and maintain here, inside as well as outside.

As part of service to Me through service to others I am disappointed in your letter-writing (other than Ruminations… which does “count”). There are people who deserve to hear from you, and, yes, such letters would “count” as service to Me.

SAT., MAR. 20, 1999, 7:14 AM

I approve of this discussion group of which you shall be a part, starting Monday. For I agree that you, and many Americans like you, need to simplify life. Yet I also realize that this is easier said than done in this culture of yours. But this morning I’ll speak mostly about this notion that you have difficulty accepting – having a single goal in life. The alternatives seem to be: having multiple goals that change with circumstances and times… or… having no goals, just living life as it comes.

As . . .

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