A Slight Change In Government

SAT., NOV. 12, 1994, 12:09 PM

Elections took place this last Tuesday, and the media are proclaiming a change in the way your legislative processes shall be… even a great change. I call it a slight change, from the marvelous vantage point that I have, from which to observe and evaluate human affairs. I reiterate that I have little interest in comparative politics and economics, but, as you know, I have some comments, from time to time.

You are basically the same nation and the same culture that you were last Monday (minus all of the costly campaigning, of course). Needs and opportunities will remain and continue. Attempts at change may bring the desired result… or others not so desirable. Proposals for change are not the direct equivalent of actual change. Both avid liberals and conservatives talk more about change than they actually produce actions that carry out their rhetoric. Some in the “center” of your culture will realize benefits, while others will feel some pain. There will be some changes, as conservatives seem to have more of a mandate than liberals.

Hear again one of My major economic premises: I approve of a small government with people retaining more of what they personally earn AS LONG AS the monies that are earned and retained are used to help others less fortunate. To have more money just to waste on luxuries is not a system of which I approve. A conservative government offers more opportunities for spirit enhancing actions, but also for spiritual regression from too much self-serving action.

On the liberal side I approve of all persons in a culture having basic needs met. I know this is hard to define, and even harder to evaluate. Some people who are poor and unhoused are just as selfish, self-centered, and irresponsible as some of the well-to-do. Government can do some things that individuals and smaller groups cannot, and I approve when government truly serves its constituents.

What I see clearly, however, as you do partially, is a governmental action that benefits some hurts others. Comparably, any governmental inaction also hurts some but is welcomed by others. A small government is not perfect, nor is a large one… and to maintain some “middle ground” runs the risk of benefitting no one.

What I look for and appreciate are elected officials who are fundamentally My servants, doing what they do for My glory, even if they don’t trumpet this loudly and regularly. I also see that these servants are a somewhat diverse lot (as you would expect, now wouldn’t you!?). That is, one servant of Mine can be devoutedly against abortion, as a sin against Me, the Creator and Sustainer God. Another equally devout follower may feel, as you do, that the total life of any child must be considered, and if that child is not wanted and will not likely be loved, then abortion is a mercy measure. I am never thwarted by an abortion. If I want a particular soul in the earth I can certainly and surely arrange that. Further, I do urge some of My servants to work against the increase in human population, and abortion is one simple, safe approach to this concern.

I do not approve of the implication that I am fully in favor of more production, of any kind, and of certain people “earning” large sums of money. As Jesus I lived a simple life, with few needs and few luxuries. I am not in favor of the opulence that is part of your culture, even as some of the rich do contribute to some worthy causes. ( 12:58 / 1:03 ) But I have given a certain amount of freedom to humans, and you certainly are not all created equal, so I have to take responsibility for the deviations from simplicity that I see.

SAT., NOV. 12, 1994, 12:09 PM

Elections took place this last Tuesday, and the media are proclaiming a change in the way your legislative processes shall be… even a great change. I call it a slight change, from the marvelous vantage point that I have, from which to observe and evaluate human affairs. I reiterate that I have little interest in comparative politics and economics, but, as you know, I have some comments, from time to time.

You are basically the same nation and the same culture that you were last Monday (minus all of the . . .

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