A Special Meditation

MON., MAR. 11, 1991, 6:29 AM

It’s almost unique, this meditation of Ours. I come to innumerable people in this earth, and some do acknowledge Me as the Holy Spirit. A few do write what they hear, but when it gets to timing, the ritual, and the use of the Teachings… well, there’s not another meditation exactly like it.

So, like Paul, you have been called… but for a much less dramatic task. I do not tell you that these Teachings will ever be publicized in any wider way, so you are not writing what you hear for some larger audience. You should always share them with Lenore, but otherwise there is no special way that each one should be utilized. This is simply and fundamentally a regular learning experience for your spirit.

Yes, spirits do learn, for this Spirit teaches. Teaching is one of My important tasks here in the earth. Some learning is mutual for mind and spirit. This means that an essentially intellectual message can also be tinged… or even permeated… with spirit. I can talk to you about the Church, and this can be intellectually informative, but the Church, whatever its form or its governmental structure, is still the Body of Christ, and this is mystical and spiritual. Hence… another form of mutual learning.

Yes, you can add this to your description of mutual learning. In addition to learning from yourself in some intellectual ways, your mind can learn from your spirit, from other spirits, and from Me. And your spirit may learn, in some ways like unto your mind and in other ways quite uniquely. Occasionally you will be aware of how both your mind and your spirit are learning. Often, however, you won’t be able to discern clear differences.

You know that I help you understand many, if not most, of your life experiences. Here’s a current insight. The Bible class has commenced a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans, and this shall be of real value to you. Romans is one of the Scriptural books that was part of your born again experience and fundamental to your understanding of grace, by both your mind and your spirit. So you look forward to this weekly experience, except… there is Joan. You are letting Joan rattle your spirit, and this prevents you from gaining all you could. Try to see Joan as a “gift” rather than as a problem or an obstacle. She may continue to be a problem for you, but gently try to see her in some different ways. It can be done, so I affirm.

The experience this week up in Pennsylvania will be a good one. I tell you in advance. Do some planning, but only in a general way. Be prepared to talk mostly about the spiritual dimension to health and how the health of spirit can be renewed and abetted. Look over your roster of songs and choose some that you might use. Plan on only a couple, but be ready to do more if it seems appropriate. You may even reveal a bit more about yourself than you usually do, but establish your credibility first. So, you see this is a meditation in which I help you anticipate and prepare for opportunities ahead, as well as understanding ones past.

Your spirit knows when it is time for a Teaching. The frequency is about right, but of course there generally are more when you are away from home, doing something that can use My help. There is no question in your mind, with the experiences you have had over these nearly twelve years, that I shall fill three full pages. There is never any temptation to stop short. Also there is no sense that I need more than these three pages of your handwriting. In this sense I am liturgical. We have a liturgy, and We shall not vary it. If there is more to say about some subject or event I close with Selah, and there shall be another Teaching, at some time.

Most meditations are only beneficial to the person who is meditating. Yours is helpful to you, but is in a form that can be shared with others also. In this sense it is a form of scripture (small s), for, in its written form it can be read by others, and they can learn, as you do.

MON., MAR. 11, 1991, 6:29 AM

It’s almost unique, this meditation of Ours. I come to innumerable people in this earth, and some do acknowledge Me as the Holy Spirit. A few do write what they hear, but when it gets to timing, the ritual, and the use of the Teachings… well, there’s not another meditation exactly like it.

So, like Paul, you have been called… but for a much less dramatic task. I do not tell you that these Teachings will ever be publicized in any wider way, so you are not writing what . . .

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