A Spirited Time

THURS., OCT. 28, 1993, 4:02 PM

Thus far this has been a spirited time, with all previously made plans working out well. The walk back and forth from the condo was both unexpected exercise and a saving of money. It, the condo experience was a unique one, for you found that after the initial “thrill” of affluence it couldn’t compare with your own place… your own deck. It was yet another verification of My assurance to you that you are where you should be, in place as well as in position.

Your stroll around the Stanford campus was of worth, but, again, there was no desire, in your spirit, to be there. It was a time of transition from Hawaii, where I directed you initially, to Southern, where I wanted you. Yet it also was a time of learning and of hard orientation to academia. You were a good young academic, and though I was not directing you very fully then I did want you to get experience, particularly in writing… and I was pleased that you were born again, in the church you visited briefly, for that, too, was important preparation for the service I want from you now.

Persistence paid off this morning, and you had some good time with Stephen. He is a fine youngish man, even as he is not quite ready to accept Me as the friend and counselor that he often needs. Oh, I work from inside of him, so that he often heeds what he considers as his “better self.” He should take the next step and acknowledge Me in a fuller, even more Christian way. Your influence may help, so keep in touch with him. He has some unique contributions to make in the areas in which he specializes, and he can do these more effectively if he is in a closer relationship with Me. He does need a good, happy, supportive wife, and I could help with that, if he wanted such “help.”

Because I am a “hard taskmaster” I judge that you did moderately well, focusing on spirit with the alums and colleagues with whom you related. You see that Tom is another who should appreciate Our Ruminations, so get him started. Go over your list and judge if some others might be interested. Kathy, because of her association with Debbie and Kathryn, could be a reader. I’m not sending her directly, but… you decide.

The rest of the “trip” should be enjoyable, but you’re not sure how spiritual it shall be. Well, I’ll say that both Michael and Wendy need to talk to you about spirit as a vital part of their lives. They’ll have some observations on the spirit in your other sons, also. And remember that sometime in the future you should talk with both Megan and Justin about their lives. Just be aware that this is to be, and it could be the time… any time. And don’t be bothered if you are rebuffed, initially. They won’t expect this from you, so it may take some time to be accepted.

As you listened to the analyses of this time, in relation to “health” care, there was some promise that there would be more focus on health, but little promise that spirit would be recognized as a factor in true health care. I still want you to assert that it is this time, and to do what you can to make it more likely. (Yes, you can stop, but be sure to finish it tonight.)

( 4:42 PM / 10:52 PM )

THURS., OCT. 28, 1993, 4:02 PM

Thus far this has been a spirited time, with all previously made plans working out well. The walk back and forth from the condo was both unexpected exercise and a saving of money. It, the condo experience was a unique one, for you found that after the initial “thrill” of affluence it couldn’t compare with your own place… your own deck. It was yet another verification of My assurance to you that you are where you should be, in place as well as in position.

Your stroll . . .

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