A Spiritual Afternoon

THURS., SEPT. 29, 1988, 2:22 PM

This has not been an exceedingly spiritual experience, this time of travel and convention. Your concerns have been more with meetings, flat and new tires… until this day. You didn’t expect to have a Teaching at this time… or certainly at this place… but you were prepared, and here We are. You would like to be hearing the reading, but, better, you are hearing from Me, the Holy Spirit.

Your small round table session went well, and a few more people now have a better understanding of and appreciation for this wellspring of health. If there had been no one else there the interaction among Dave, Laurette, Annie, Becky and you would have been a sufficient experience. Never underestimate the power of real spiritual interaction. The warm interaction among the three of you leading was as communicative as the words and handouts. Continue to assert this about this concept: the process is more important than the words and ideas. Remember this as you present tomorrow.

The ride out to this unique place was an even more powerful experience of spirit. You had heard My message to you to share these letters and materials from Jean and the Teachings about Nick with My servant Betty. Of course I have brought you two together, for your mutual benefit. As I have told you many times, I truly enjoy bringing together souls that are on similar or crossing paths. You have shared with her words and feelings of great value. On the way back you shall receive from her. It matters not whether this ever shall be repeated (though it is likely); just appreciate this day for its great spiritual value, even if it is never to be again.

There are souls in this earth who are spiritually advanced in certain ways who discern what most others do not. Betty is with one now. Full accuracy is not an important criterion. The main one is awareness and appreciation of this spiritual gift and of what the total experience gives you and brings forth from you. The one receiving a reading is not to be passive or skeptical, but participative and appreciative. Spirits meet best and most productively when both are actively involved.

Oh, yes, there are some who utilize true gifts or pretended gifts in fraudulent ways. These are rarely destructive, and I see them as I would some other minor misfortune – spiritual growth can come about even when the medium is a sham. Hear again that in My spiritual “economy” there need be no losses… you can grow from any experience. You need not have this actual experience Betty is having, but if some opportunity should arise, you shall know whether or not I approve. For you, this is more valuable. Take advantage of it often.

I sometimes feel sorry that most humans here in the earth are so unaware of spiritual forces and their great variety. One of the marvelous consequences of death is your reentry into the fuller, richer life of spirit. In this you shall be amazed at how blinded you were to reality beyond obvious earth life. You may still advance considerably in this earth time, but you still will be surprised. Spirit is the essence of virtually everything you see, with human spirit being My supreme “creation”… as a part of Myself.

There are spirits in numbers and in activity quite beyond human numbers. Most are helpful, but My “plan” includes some that are bothersome, even destructive. These can be just as helpful, ultimately, as the good, positive, helpful spirits. I am aware of various balances, and am satisfied with life as it is going… in its various forms.

You are not yet able to handle continuous days of spiritual energy. Yet you do improve, and with this I am pleased. Take as many opportunities as possible to share spiritual insights and experiences with others… and these shall be of great variety. This profession of yours is not “overrun” with spiritually akamai folks, but there still are many more than you have come to know. There are several to discover whom you would not expect. Take a few chances. You have not been often wrong so far.

THURS., SEPT. 29, 1988, 2:22 PM

This has not been an exceedingly spiritual experience, this time of travel and convention. Your concerns have been more with meetings, flat and new tires… until this day. You didn’t expect to have a Teaching at this time… or certainly at this place… but you were prepared, and here We are. You would like to be hearing the reading, but, better, you are hearing from Me, the Holy Spirit.

Your small round table session went well, and a few more people now have a better understanding of and appreciation for . . .

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