A Spiritual Analysis

FRI., SEPT. 10, 1993, 6:20 AM

You are here this morning ready for Me to offer you some spiritual truths. It is almost the Fall season, as this rather heavy bathrobe feels comfortable. There is nothing of great import on which I should comment, so, if you are ready, I shall offer an update… a present analysis of your spiritual journey… somewhat of a test of your faith, o son.

The most important positive behavior is, of course, the faithfulness and regularity with which you come for these Teachings. As an educator you want learners to come to your classes for every meeting, for each class is an organized part of a whole. Much that you do still pulls you away from spiritual matters and interpretations. These times with Me help to keep a better balance in your daily life. (Right now your balance is not as it should be, with worries about the convention, flight times, a place to stay… I can’t do that for you, but I want your full attention now.)

Generally you teach your classes with spirit, offering spirit as a natural part of the content and trying to touch spirits in the activities you employ and with your presence. You’d like to be perfect in doing this, but you have to be satisfied with some success. Remember that the purpose of these last years of teaching for you is to develop spirit, in you and in students, by how you approach and execute each class.

In regard to this convention that is so bothersome to you now the purpose for your going is to meet and talk with some of your graduates, now colleagues, and to try to meet others whose interests include the spiritual as an element of health. This is an important mission, and I don’t want you to miss opportunities because of logistics and your concerns about expenses.

You know that one of your spiritual tasks that I see as important is letter-writing. The Ruminations is of most import, and you haven’t started on that yet. But other letters should have been written, showing concern and encouraging spiritual interchange. It isn’t hard for you to do this, so why don’t you? You have the time. You just are not doing well with this responsibility. You know it, and I know it. You’ll feel so much better when you build this back in as a regular part of your life.

Your life in the church goes well, but as you hear Me focus on this you realize certain responsibilities that you haven’t yet completed. You must put this mission statement together and get the minutes written. More importantly, for this coming Sunday you must prepare, but must really do your part in the service with much spirit… and fun. You are not in prime shape to do this, but you must. It is what I want of you, as a contribution to the spiritual life of your congregation.

You have done some rereading of Teachings lately, and this is good for your spiritual maintenance and growth. You read the Scriptural passages for each Sunday several times (and are disappointed when they are brief, as I am), and the portion for your Wednesday discussion… but otherwise you are not giving yourself the chance to profit from more reading of Holy Writ. This is not a high priority for your time now, but it should be a priority. ( 7:22 / 7:25 )

FRI., SEPT. 10, 1993, 6:20 AM

You are here this morning ready for Me to offer you some spiritual truths. It is almost the Fall season, as this rather heavy bathrobe feels comfortable. There is nothing of great import on which I should comment, so, if you are ready, I shall offer an update… a present analysis of your spiritual journey… somewhat of a test of your faith, o son.

The most important positive behavior is, of course, the faithfulness and regularity with which you come for these Teachings. As an educator you want learners to come . . .

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