A Spiritual Companion

FRI., JULY 1, 1994, 6:50 AM

Yes, o son, it is clear to you. Andy is a special, spiritual companion for you… and you for her. She wants to continue to be a health educator, and she is preparing well now for a university position in the future. The place where she shall be is not set yet, for, as you know, I like to use the naturally occurring events of life for My purposes rather than directly changing circumstances. You both must be patient, trusting that I am more than able to see that she is placed “just right.”

Of course I am aware… I know… that you have a spiritual companion in Lenore. You two were destined to meet and, eventually, fall in love. My sense of fun was displayed in your having a formidable rival “for her hand.” This also gave you more time in the junior high classroom and also that necessary culmination to your varsity coaching career. Didn’t I work it well?

Lenore’s spiritual path is practically the same as yours, and she appreciates these Teachings as much as anyone. You have shared many life experiences, and you will continue to so share. One such is this newly evident spiritual companion – Andy. She is not a rival for Lenore. A major reason that she came down for the 3+ days she was here was so that she and Lenore could become acquainted. She is the age of your children, a generation younger than you and Lenore. She needs both of you as she continues her spiritual journey.

It is evident to you that the Teachings I give to Andy are quite compatible with ones I give to you. The wording is similar, and the content is, also. You and she are slightly different, spiritually, but about as close as two humans can be. You wonder whether her Teachings will lengthen. They will, but her pattern will not be as consistent as yours. What she writes shall be of varying lengths. I want you to come this first waking hour of the day, whereas most of hers will be heard in that time just before sleep. She is not a “clone” of you, but a rather well developed spirit who can develop further in contact with you… and you shall benefit also. Trust My holy economy.

Andy writes well, so, again, I do not have to “pull a miracle.” I want her to continue the Spiritual Wellness Network publication, and I want you to become a fairly regular contributor. You are also hearing My call to help her financially with her debt on the Conference. You benefited from that… you just wrote how you participated while in pain… so help her with that debt, as just another encouragement along the spiritual path on which I have placed her.

I want you both to be aware of ways in which you can collaborate in your writing. Perhaps you can contribute some to the book that I want her and Luke to write and assemble. You needn’t be a major contributor… the task is essentially theirs. But you did see how you could contribute, without too great an effort. Let her know of this suggestion I offer.

FRI., JULY 1, 1994, 6:50 AM

Yes, o son, it is clear to you. Andy is a special, spiritual companion for you… and you for her. She wants to continue to be a health educator, and she is preparing well now for a university position in the future. The place where she shall be is not set yet, for, as you know, I like to use the naturally occurring events of life for My purposes rather than directly changing circumstances. You both must be patient, trusting that I am more than able to see that she is . . .

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