A Spiritual Future

SUN., MAY 3, 1987, 5:58 AM

In the midst of much to do that is assigned, is a continuing responsibility, or is self-assigned you wonder about future activities. It seems as though you shall have some time, with the respite that I’ve suggested from the two newsletter tasks. You shall find, of course, that these were more a matter of attention than time, and so there will be no significant bonus. Yet I want to say again that there is a pattern for your future activities, and the major emphasis in that pattern is the spiritual.

The professional papers for which I still push are means to that best balanced end. You shall be one recognized as prominent in your field who is attesting to the reality of spirit as the unifying dimension of health. You function best, overall, if spirit is strong and developing. You do better than you would do without the influence of spirit. Still, you must keep the balance that spirit makes possible. You are “out of the closet,” but must maintain access to those who remain, comfortably or uncomfortably, therein.

The experience with your own writing of a paper has been completed, and this must tell you something important about these meditations. The difference between that experience of developing ideas and choosing words and this one of listening, hearing, and writing was quite obvious. In this meditation you do little puzzling over words, and the result is quite satisfying for your purposes and Mine. You need not know, as you commence, what the Teaching will include. Writing the title afresh on each page should keep the basic theme renewed, but you must be eternally (yes, indeed!) open to My development of that theme. You just are not responsible for these words that you write, even as you are for the ones in your just completed paper.

Even as I say that I must add that I guide you somewhat in your own writing. Also you are a reasonably good learner, and you have written far more in the now nearly eight years of this relationship as Teachings than anything else. This has surely affected your own style of writing, and there is no way to know how you would have written without this time with Me.

Counseling as such is still not your niche in life, but you shall be a ready listener to those who seek you as one who can help. Dorothy has mixed feelings of worth and of lack of appreciation for her worth. She knows that I continually extend My hand to her, but she must periodically pull back from this relationship. I am always with her as she returns, and you are a special means to help her return. You have no great responsibility for her, but know that I do work through you in influencing her.

Letter writing. You do it well, and you have so many opportunities, particularly these that arise from your Ruminations. Your letters can bring brightness into lives, and I want more of this contribution. Be not frustrated by what you can’t do. Just look forward to writing two or three a week.

SUN., MAY 3, 1987, 5:58 AM

In the midst of much to do that is assigned, is a continuing responsibility, or is self-assigned you wonder about future activities. It seems as though you shall have some time, with the respite that I’ve suggested from the two newsletter tasks. You shall find, of course, that these were more a matter of attention than time, and so there will be no significant bonus. Yet I want to say again that there is a pattern for your future activities, and the major emphasis in that pattern is the . . .

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