A Spiritual Gift… This Is

SUN., JUNE 8, 1997, 6:17 AM

You don’t have to do this… sit down in a quiet setting and write down what you hear from Me… but… it is a gift, and a gift is only such if it is received comparably to the spirit in which it is given. If I give a gift I want it to be accepted. I don’t force you. Yet I want you to know how I feel and what I want. Your acceptance and your behavior in this acceptance is satisfactory, even shading toward commendable.

There are many spiritual gifts, a variety of ways in which spirits, like yours, work together with Mine and produce something “of value”. I have you use the quotation marks because its value may not match the standards of your culture. For example, Neale’s “Conversations” with Me are being published, and he is profiting from this gift. You are not profiting; in fact it costs you to send out each issue of Our Ruminations, and they have no national visibility. By your culture’s standards these are of less value because they are not well known.

I just assure you they are “of value” and of value, because I give them to you and, in turn, you write, and you organize the pages in ways sufficient for this low-tech venture into the realm of spirit. If I want you to do more with them I shall surely tell you. By now you should have no doubts about My willingness to advise you.

Some of your friends and some of your students-friends accept that this is a spiritual gift, but the organized church, in its many “forms” is less likely to be thrilled about such a “gift”. I certainly realize this, but, remember, I love diversity. Thus, I love churches who hold to “standards” and are suspicious of any “gift” which doesn’t “agree with” their interpretations of Holy Scripture and with their doctrines and perceptions of reality.

And, still, I give gifts to you and to others like and unlike you that are just not acceptable to these churches and their adherents. Why do I do this? Don’t I want peace and a common way of seeing life, earth life, reality, and Me? That would be boring (as hell?!)

Yours is a gift of no great significance. Accept this, and enjoy and profit from the Teachings, even as they seem to be of minor importance, even to the spiritual community. My diversity of gifts have a variety of impacts, and that’s as I want it to be. The various “Books” of the Bible were mostly written well before there was an official Canon of Scripture. Some that was selected, even with My guidance, is less value than some that was rejected, as Scripture. I have My reasons for allowing this (Write the final page after the morning sermon.) 6:56 A

10:35 PM

So here We are, at the end of a busy day, and the theme is still spiritual gifts. Richard emphasized, in his sermon, that all of you Christians each have some gift, and this is true. But it also is true that some gifts are more directly related to My Mission, encouraging the growth and development of spirit. Everyone has spiritual gifts is like saying everyone has a smile… or everyone has a nose. There is variety and diversity in physical attributes… and also in those relating to the spirit. I can bless and be proud of those with lesser gifts, but, finally, I don’t see them all as equal.

Your gift, these Teachings, is, in the total range of spiritual “happenings”, about like you as a teacher – above average. But then I’ll immediately add that this gift is one of My Best, comparable to your being named Outstanding Teacher of the Year. You didn’t deserve it, and, still, you did. These Teachings aren’t of importance, and, yes they are!

SUN., JUNE 8, 1997, 6:17 AM

You don’t have to do this… sit down in a quiet setting and write down what you hear from Me… but… it is a gift, and a gift is only such if it is received comparably to the spirit in which it is given. If I give a gift I want it to be accepted. I don’t force you. Yet I want you to know how I feel and what I want. Your acceptance and your behavior in this acceptance is satisfactory, even shading toward commendable.

There are many . . .

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