A Spiritual Network

TUES., JULY 26, 1994, 7:18 AM

You are part of a complex spiritual network, one difficult to describe. There are diverse people who you relate to spiritually, and I shall try to make you more conscious of them. And there are many whom you influence, some of whom are unknown to you, but they still are part of this “super network.”

First, there’s your family. You are most fortunate that your life partner, Lenore, is so close to you, spiritually. When you hear and know of couples, old and young, who apparently are quite apart, spiritually, you do, and you should, feel oh, so fortunate that your and Lenore’s spiritual paths are so close and so compatible.

John Patrick comes next, even as his apparent path is Roman Catholic. Spiritually he still is close to you, and his interest in these Teachings I give to you is genuine. Your other sons are not so close, and that hurts, sometimes. In a strange way Matthew may be the next closest, for he has no church or doctrine to hinder him, when his spirit finally reaches out for sustenance. It is heartening, of course, to know that Bob and Mike relate to Me quite fully, even as they can’t fully appreciate Our relationship.

Other family members are even more diverse. Your Dad wants to come closer to you and will as you send him more evidences of what this path is. You found Zane to be turned on by Our writings, while others in the “Hawaiian branch” give little indication of appreciation.

You found Mabel to be an enigma, and you couldn’t get yourself to explore the spirit that remains as her mind deteriorates. She is no longer critical of your path, and that is a relief to you. But where is she, spiritually? You really didn’t try to find out. Too bad.

As you well know, your professional task, for Me, is to ( 7:47 / 7:54 ) help in reintroducing the spiritual dimension to health and health education, your field. This has been bringing you some very special people, a vital part of this network. The “originals” were Becky and Jack, and you can recall how wonderful those relationship were in “olden times.” The letter on your desk reminds you that Andy, whose apparent path is quite different from yours, continues to appreciate Our Ruminations, enough to write and keep assuring you of that.

Now, of course, the one closest to you spiritually, but separated geographically, is the younger, female Andy, who is increasingly willing to receive Teachings from Me, in a manner like unto Ours. She is even busier than you are, working toward that degree that can eventually insure her a position comparable to yours. Yet she continues with the Spiritual Wellness Quarterly, and has increasing influences parallel to yours, but still different. I tell you again that she is a special companion on this spiritual path of yours.

TUES., JULY 26, 1994, 7:18 AM

You are part of a complex spiritual network, one difficult to describe. There are diverse people who you relate to spiritually, and I shall try to make you more conscious of them. And there are many whom you influence, some of whom are unknown to you, but they still are part of this “super network.”

First, there’s your family. You are most fortunate that your life partner, Lenore, is so close to you, spiritually. When you hear and know of couples, old and young, who apparently are quite apart, spiritually . . .

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