A Spiritual Opportunity

WED., APR. 8, 1998, 9:54 AM

Yes, o son, you just have had one… an opportunity to make this spiritual dimension to health more “knowable”. It was not a very responsive class, so in that sense it was a test of your spirit. (And, remember, testing of spirit is a definite part of earth life, and, as you said, such tests are exercise for the spirit, and exercise makes for growth and development.)

Your adaptations with what had been songs in your “former life as a singer” were quite good… appropriate to the points you were making. Most of your songs are also stories, so they can be somewhat of an “added punch” in the presentation. It as a basically good feeling to be back in front of a class, yet you have little Yearning for the full-time responsibilities. You’ve been there… done that.

Now you realize that you did bring the folder with your notes, made last evening, but you left them at the church. So you gave yourself a spiritual test – could you remember enough of what you planned, which was part intellectual but a good part spirit. And, remember, I tell you that all you have to do is dedicate such “opportunities” to Me, and I’ll help make them as good as they need to be. Isn’t it interesting that you remembered the experience with the minutes now, instead of “in time” to retrieve your original notes? Was I involved?

I didn’t press you to emphasize your own experience with Me, Holy Spirit, as an example of transcendence. You should realize that in these “guest presentations” you are freer to reveal yourself as a mystic… even. You needn’t be concerned with those students who can’t accept the reality of this. Consider, instead, the few that might be quite “ready” for this kind of encouragement of their own spiritual progress.

You needn’t aspire to have too many of these opportunities, but just enough to savor the preparation and the “performance”. Don’t worry… you’ll soon be forgotten, just about when you won’t want to do these anymore. For everything there is a season… (10:21 / 10:36)

Is every experience a spiritual opportunity? You know My answer, ultimately but it gives you a feeling of “deficiency”. It seems not quite right to be trying too hard to see everything as spiritual, but this then raises the question of “trying not to try”. I’ll recommend a bit more effort in awareness, which should lead to appreciation. The more you do this, the easier it will be to “do it more naturally”. As you look forward to a “there and back” trip to Charleston you hope that your challenges to spirit will be only in your imagination, rather than troubles in traveling. In the past you have dealt with some trip problems pretty well, but you certainly prefer a smooth, eventless journey. I won’t promise…

As you think back on the opportunities you’ve had this term to be in the presenting role you realize that this spiritual dimension is the major topic requested. This is as it should be, for your interest in details of the other courses you organized and guided is fading, with this emerging as “what you should be doing best”. I’d suggest having some more copies made of the 3 pages you’ve been using, with the addition of another page of stories. Be more aware, also, of opportunities to tell your own story, parts as are appropriate. You are freer, now, to be the “guest” rather than the one responsible for a total course.

The University is the place where different viewpoints, interpretations, and conclusions can be voiced, and as these opportunities arise for you, assess the balance, but realize you can be more open in the conclusions to which you have come, over a long career… and less committed to a “politically correct” balance. Ride the wave! You are part of the impetus for it.

WED., APR. 8, 1998, 9:54 AM

Yes, o son, you just have had one… an opportunity to make this spiritual dimension to health more “knowable”. It was not a very responsive class, so in that sense it was a test of your spirit. (And, remember, testing of spirit is a definite part of earth life, and, as you said, such tests are exercise for the spirit, and exercise makes for growth and development.)

Your adaptations with what had been songs in your “former life as a singer” were quite good… appropriate to the points you were making . . .

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