A Steady Flow Of Knowledge

WED., OCT. 1, 1986, 5:42 AM

From whence does knowledge come? The appearance, given the context of this convention, is that it comes from without. You heard again the provocative assertion that it comes from within. You also know the theory that it is created anew with significant interaction. Hear, o son, as I offer yet another perspective – that knowledge flows like a river.

I truly don’t offer this as the definitive answer to the initial question. It is merely an important picture, which adds to the collage of “knowledge – what it is and from whence it comes.” Just as there are many manifestations of spirit there are many forms and ways of knowledge.

From Me there is a steady flow of knowledge. You have sat down with this pad and pen on each of the last four days, and in a fairly short time, compared with your writing of these at home, you have had a more than complete Teaching in each time of meditation. Why does this happen? The explanation I want you to consider this early morn is that you are tapping into a steady flow of knowledge. It is here… or there… whenever you wish to tap in, so whenever you come in this established way you shall be filled. (Sometime you might try the experiment of coming several times in a day. You shall find the flow never ceasing.)

In the secular world, or in the world of theory about learning and knowledge, you would encounter the assertion that if there is such a flow it is one of information, not knowledge. It can’t be knowledge until it is “yours,” and that requires encountering, learning, and assimilating. I counter this by avering that I give forth knowledge, and if your mind is in Mine you can accept it as knowledge, as if it were some form of predigested food. You can process it and make it more particularly your own, but you needn’t develop it. That has been done for you.

But how can it be so personal if it comes from a continuous, eternal flow? Ah, that is the mystery. I have the capacity to personalize messages even as these are coming forth from a steady flow of knowledge. Some messages need little personalization, while others seem quite specific to you. Yet they all come from the flow.

You listened to a talk by Ram Dass, and there were many parts that matched the knowledge you have gained, from a somewhat approach. You both have tapped the same flow. If you hear something that seems incorrect or irrelevant, even though it is spiritual in nature, consider the alternatives: 1) it is a truth that is not for you (all truth is not for each incarnated person) 2) it is a truth you shall comprehend and utilize at some later time 3) it is not really truth and did not come out of My flow. (There are a few others, but these are sufficient.)

You know that you are limited in the amount of knowledge you can gain and maintain. You marvel at those who seem to have capacities beyond yours. Hear as I say there is much knowledge that is of limited to no value. And there is much knowledge about the spiritual nature of the human creature and about My “work” in the earth that flows that you might learn.

WED., OCT. 1, 1986, 5:42 AM

From whence does knowledge come? The appearance, given the context of this convention, is that it comes from without. You heard again the provocative assertion that it comes from within. You also know the theory that it is created anew with significant interaction. Hear, o son, as I offer yet another perspective – that knowledge flows like a river.

I truly don’t offer this as the definitive answer to the initial question. It is merely an important picture, which adds to the collage of “knowledge – what it is and . . .

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