A… The… Future

WED., SEPT. 29, 1999, 8:52 AM

You realize that you, as Bob Russell, will not have a lengthy future, here in the earth. Yet you still look ahead and have some wonderings about what life will be like. And, of course, a future is quite individual… whatever is said about how conditions will be can never apply to everyone alive. Still I want to share some thoughts with you this morning, as some welcome rain wets the dry earth.

You plan to talk some more with Ann, seeking her perceptions about the future of this field you and she have shared. My perception is that it will continue, a bit more holistic than when you began (and you do get some credit for this) but still influenced strongly by the Medical Model. Your culture still has an excess concern with “problems,” so health educators are pulled into giving too much attention to conditions of ill-health. You tried to encourage those who would be influenced by you to see health as a positive concept, and you had some success, but the “weight” of medicine and psychological – social problems was mostly a too-good competitor.

I don’t control the future, in detail. As I’ve told you often, I do want to keep this Earth as a viable, unique realm for the spiritual growth of humans. And I am faced with the reality that some humans are making this more and more difficult… and this refers to both numbers and activities. I prefer the positive to the negative, so I prefer to see the “good” in human life rather than the not-so-good… to evil. But I do resist causing or allowing actions that bring losses of human life, even as I see a diminished population as desirable.

But… there will be some increased loss of life, in some expected… and some unexpected… ways. You needn’t know specifically how and when this shall happen, but you can appreciate it as you hear and observe. Yet your own earth life shall not be much longer, so any long future for the earth shall not be of much consequence for you.

When you’re here as a human you tend to think of this as the only reality. When you move on you will experience life in a fuller, richer way. And you’ll wonder why there are such concerns about this earth realm.

There must be some diminishing of the drives to make life more “modern”… complex… mechanized… electronic. This is not an easy movement to slow down, halt, or reverse, but I shall be pushing for such changes, but mostly in gentle, subtle ways.

I still love and support diversity… in humans and in human interests and activities. My main interest, naturally, is in the spirit in humans and in this earth environment, both social and physical. There is a general quality to spirit, but I encourage much diversity in the expression of spirit… and in experiences that touch and effect spirits. Thus, there will be both a strengthening of religious life in Christians and in some other “groups,” but also some further “splintering.” I just do see value in these apparent “opposites.”

Many of the changes that I shall initiate, allow, and look forward to will not be popular, and only a few will acknowledge My involvement in these. So it certainly can appear that life is not as good, and, therefore, that I must not be involved… for I certainly must want “progress.” I tell you that I am more in favor of a simpler life pattern and style, which forces you to ask, “Why have You allowed the more complex life to develop and to be valued more than the simple?” I have My reasons, which are several, and competing. Remember that I wasn’t satisfied to have Adam and Eve remain in and enjoy the bountiful but non-challenging Garden. However the future… or individual futures develop there will be opportunities for spiritual growth. This is Truth, so be aware, be noticing, be appreciative.

WED., SEPT. 29, 1999, 8:52 AM

You realize that you, as Bob Russell, will not have a lengthy future, here in the earth. Yet you still look ahead and have some wonderings about what life will be like. And, of course, a future is quite individual… whatever is said about how conditions will be can never apply to everyone alive. Still I want to share some thoughts with you this morning, as some welcome rain wets the dry earth.

You plan to talk some more with Ann, seeking her perceptions about the future of this field you . . .

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