A Time Away

THURS., JUNE 1, 1989, 6:49 AM

An early wakeup and no problems gives you time to start, and perhaps finish, a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit. For, as you are certain, I am with you in this time away from your normal life. I was with you as you “delivered your precious cargo” yesterday evening, sustaining that old vehicle for yet another trip… (or was I really necessary?) Just know that I am always with you, and this is your real “insurance.”

You completed the tasks you had set for yourself (except for the printed Teachings), and did not have to leave in any frenzy. Of this preparation and timing I approve. You needn’t have a Teaching on every single day of this time away, so you needn’t feel compulsive. On the other hand, you know that there is often special value in these “away” meditations, and there is no better use of your time, so feel free to settle yourself and hear My words of wisdom often.

Your presentation tomorrow is in good shape. However, it would be good to practice it for length and time… and decide what to cut if such is necessary. I want, naturally, the emphasis on spirit, and I want the poems, delivered with spirit. You might insert a personal story or two, also, for you know how these add life to a presentation. Just assume I shall guide you in this final polishing and in the actual delivery.

I approve of the major purpose of this extended trip. Your parents are in old age, and it is good that you give them this gift of your time. Remember that this is your chief reason, and do not let other activities replace this offering of time. Worry not about the Luau invitations. This portion of the time away will work out as it should. That’s all I need to say.

You have some “special places” to visit and experience, and these are as important as anything other than the family responsibilities. So enjoy the spirit that inheres in these places and activities. Build them in naturally in the day’s activities. It would not hurt to list them so they don’t pile up toward the end. Your visit will not be a long one, so use your time wisely.

One of such wise uses is in composing your Spring Ruminations. (7:13) You have plenty of material, so just join with Me in bringing forth a fine letter, a beautiful mixture of you and Me. There are times when I advocate no mixture.
(7:17 – 7:58)
But I am the Spirit that works in this earth, and many times I desire to mix and merge with human action. This letter that We have designed is one of those special “projects.” I desire that you read and interpret My Scriptures as they apply to you in this portion of earth time. It is not desirable that these Scriptures remain “pure” and interpreted in only one “official” way. They are a “living Word,” and have the potential for being interpreted in many ways, for the benefit of many. These Ruminations have some minor influence, and that is sufficient. Take no sustained action to increase the circulation, yet be attentive when some evidence interest and want to join your readership.

“The Old and the New” is a title with some significance as you compose it in Hawaii. This was your first site of teaching, and your career now moves into its 40th year. Your relationship with Lenore began over 40 years ago, and it continues strong. You shall see some aspects of Hawaii that are old, and some that are new. And know that I was active then… and now, still.

As you travel away from your favorite place… your home… you have desires to spend one entire summer season there. This has merit, and I encourage you to plan such a season. Travel has value, but you have much to do that could be done leisurely right there at home. I still urge you to develop some professional papers, and you have lost the discipline which makes these regularly possible. Time at home could be the antidote for this loss.

THURS., JUNE 1, 1989, 6:49 AM

An early wakeup and no problems gives you time to start, and perhaps finish, a Teaching from Me, the Holy Spirit. For, as you are certain, I am with you in this time away from your normal life. I was with you as you “delivered your precious cargo” yesterday evening, sustaining that old vehicle for yet another trip… (or was I really necessary?) Just know that I am always with you, and this is your real “insurance.”

You completed the tasks you had set for yourself (except for the printed . . .

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