A Time For Contemplation

SAT., DEC. 20, 1986, 4:05 PM

You are here, o son, by a placid ocean, with a week of leisure ahead of you. There will be many ways in which you can use your time, in these days and nights, but I shall ask you to consider this a time for contemplation and give Me an hour of each of the seven… for instruction. This is a novel Christmas season for you, and you can make it truly novel by pledging this time for listening to Me.

This is not a time of any crisis for you, but you shall have opportunities to hear and speak with Matthew, and his is a time of crisis. Oh, he could just return to relatively purposeless living, but he also could choose to set a more purposive direction, and that would be pleasing to Me, as it would to you. His spirit is rather undeveloped, and he has not been developing through many life experiences, as others in your relations (and among your students and colleagues) have. Still, he is an intriguing challenge to Me, and I would like to see him acknowledge this spirit part of himself and at least contemplate the relationship with Me.

The sun shines warm for a few minutes before it heats the other side of the earth. This last hour of the day can also be a time of contemplation… a time of assessment and promising. For this week, the hour is not as important as that you do set aside a time to listen to Me and to write.

The day just past has given you an impetus to consider retirement in a somewhat new way. The retirement life as you saw it in that place was not attractive to you, and it should not have been so. You have much to do before you should seek that life of leisure. I am not pleased with much that goes on as a part of affluent retirement. Few people are “entitled” to spend and waste money on themselves, no matter what they report their working life was like. Life is meant to have purpose right till the very end. Then it should be just a nice transition on to another purposeful life, here or “elsewhere.” Some people simply live too long, and sometimes are ultimately sorry for the time of selfish leisure to which they succumb. You do not consider that this is for you, and I assure you that it is not.

You arrived here on a less than perfect day, with several challenges to your easy arrival that you gave to Me as worthy of My assistance. Contemplate, if you will, that I am part of life, in the rain as in the sunshine, in difficulties as well as in times of easy joy. Of course I used Lenore and her talents, as I often help people through the abilities and energies of other humans. This is much more fun than performing blatant miracles, which do not show respect for the earth and its inhabitants, as I have created them and established life cycles.

Go ahead and compare what you have seen of this small part of the earth and the retirement condominium and its environs with your Farm and life thereon. You need never denigrate any place in order to make a comparison seem better. You know that this Farm is where I purpose for you to be, and it is perfectly appropriate for you to share this knowledge with some (but not all) others. It fits your personality rather well… and certainly your spirit, which can be energized by life there, even in unpleasant times. Do not let love of your Farm reduce your enjoyment of other places. But do resist thoughts that you should be anywhere else, on a regular basis.

SAT., DEC. 20, 1986, 4:05 PM

You are here, o son, by a placid ocean, with a week of leisure ahead of you. There will be many ways in which you can use your time, in these days and nights, but I shall ask you to consider this a time for contemplation and give Me an hour of each of the seven… for instruction. This is a novel Christmas season for you, and you can make it truly novel by pledging this time for listening to Me.

This is not a time of any . . .

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