A Time For Courage

SAT., DEC. 18, 1982, 5:59 AM

You hear this title, and you seem reluctant, o son, to listen to a Teaching on courage. That, in itself shows a lack of courage, which then makes the experience ever more appropriate for you. Though it would seem unlikely that there would be a time in which courage would be inappropriate, it is like unto “a time for war” and “a time to hate”. There are some times to be cowardly and scared. This morning, however, We shall consider only the matter of courage. (Know that this is a good test of this process of Ours, for you really do not want to write on this subject… you don’t even want to be here, really.)

Courage always has a spiritual dimension to it, and sometimes it is almost pure spirit. You know the criterion, surely… when an act or a stance is for the benefit of others (including Me) and not for self, it is one of courage (spirit). If such should benefit you also it could yet be one of courage, but the spiritual motivation would be joined by others more concerned with the good of self. (You have not stopped in the midst of a Teaching for some time. Continue on for a while).

One reason you are reluctant to receive this Teaching is that you fear it shall relate to the present controversy in your mind and spirit about these tangible meditations and about your role as a servant of Mine. I realize that you have relatively little courage in relation to this process and to our relationship. You are not beguiled by a false doctrine, certainly… except as it denies the validity of these Teachings.

You can see that it would be an act of courage to continue these meditations despite the opposition of some whom you love and respect. You also see that it would be an act of courage to cease this activity, even destroy the evidence and give testimony to your experience with evil forces. In each instance you would be standing up for truth, but the truth would be defined somewhat differently.

So what is the non-courageous stance. Again, there are at least two. One would be to cease these meditations and revert to being a rather orthodox, passive Christian, neither denying nor affirming My role in your life. The other would be to continue hearing Me in this unique way, but ceasing to share these insights (this story of Ours) with any who are not receptive.

Aha! You see that there can be a time for non-courage. I have not called you to be a prophet who proclaims truth counter to the Holy Scriptures. Yet I give you teachings that are interpreted as such. What does a man of courage do? You have a choice right now. You can cease with the message unfinished, or you can continue to see if there is a conclusion.

Good! You continue, even though the conviction is not strong. What can I say that shall help you in this dilemma? In the categories I have posed this morning I would rather that it be a time of non-courage, continuing these Teachings. They shall ultimately be of value, and I call you to continue to receive them. And I who call you am the Teacher and Comforter promised by Jesus, the Christ. I shall teach and interpret. You shall receive and use them in any ways that your courage allows. I want you to continue the Ruminations based on these, and I do not want you to withhold them from some whom you consider. Still… your courage is limited.
The spiritual dimension to courage… the extent to which others are benefitted and I am served, despite what happens to you… You know that some are benefitting from these meditations. You know that, thus far, you have gained, because you are closer to Me. I shall not tell you what you must do. I shall not tell you to be courageous. I do urge you to be faithful and to serve Me, in ways that I desire. Is that enough of a direction?

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof… the world and they that dwell therein. It is old language, but it is the truest of the true Scriptures. It is I who work in various ways. It is I who am the One God. Take courage from this.

7:44 AM