A Time For Thanks

THURS., NOV. 28, 1985, 6:28 AM

You were reluctant to get up this morning, even as you knew that I had words for you. It may be time for some more radical commitment. I don’t ask for such at this moment, but I do want more prompt response when I call and more willingness to come to Me. This is not a threat, of course, but a loving directive.

For everything there is a season, and this is the season for thanks. This does not mean, of course, that thanks are inappropriate in other “seasons.” Being thankful should be a normal state of being, but “on top of that” you can celebrate this special season. One of the key features of life in active relationship with Me is appreciation, and this is just another term for thanks.

Can you give thanks for yet another dreary, drizzly day? How nice it would be to have warm sunshine on a sparkling clear day. Yet the spirit I urge is one that can be and is thankful for the conditions of life, whatever they may be. Be thankful for less than perfection, for what is may be just right for the growth of spirit. And even if some condition, such as a dreary day, may not be related to the movement of spirit, don’t waste time in attempted discernment. Just be thankful, and what is bad will seem better.

Being thankful should be normative. You do fairly well with this in terms of feeling, but you are not as expressive of thanks you feel as you should be. Without being extreme, give more attention to verbal and written thanks for circumstances that you do appreciate. Being thankful is just a nice state of being – for yourself and for others with whom you relate.

I have told you repeatedly in different ways that the general circumstances of your life, and the particulars of this day, are a special combination of chance, the consequences of your actions, and My influence… and there is no certain way to determine which is which. The best state of being, consequently, is to assume My influence… My blessing… even when it is not merited. I certainly have no objection to being thanked for conditions that I did not directly cause. Why? Because the spirit of thanks in you is more important than the accuracy of diagnosis. And be a loving receiver also. If someone should thank you for something you did not do, first accept the thanks with a loving spirit… and then set the thanker straight on responsibility, particularly if the thanks should go to someone else (even to Me). Just do not reject an expression of thanks, even if it is undeserved.

The spirit of the season traditionally puts emphasis on being thankful for what has been – the successful growing season and the harvest now completed. In a parallel way you can be thankful for the wonderful summer and autumn. But can you be thankful for the winter that is directly ahead? Can you see the value in the rest, as well as in the need for some hardship? Try to remember, as you deal with cold and discomfort and inconvenience, that these are conditions that should give you special appreciation of life, health, and strength. So be thankful for what has been, is now, and shall be.

THURS., NOV. 28, 1985, 6:28 AM

You were reluctant to get up this morning, even as you knew that I had words for you. It may be time for some more radical commitment. I don’t ask for such at this moment, but I do want more prompt response when I call and more willingness to come to Me. This is not a threat, of course, but a loving directive.

For everything there is a season, and this is the season for thanks. This does not mean, of course, that thanks are inappropriate in other “seasons.” Being . . .

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