A Time In Your Life

WED., OCT. 11, 1989, 5:50 AM

A time in your life to remember, from time to time, is that spent in Hawaii as your teaching career commenced. It was a time of relative youth, of dedication to coaching sports, of pre-marriage. It was a time when you were not in close contact with Me, the Holy Spirit, and yet I had you in the hollow of My hand, molding you.

You have recalled, rightly, that, while you were not dedicated to the church as you have been in these recent years, you did not reject My Body. You taught Sunday School, and you sang, vigorously, in that mighty choir. That was an important experience in your life, that singing of some mighty anthems and learning, minimally, about church music. You draw on that experience now as you enjoy singing in the Synod School choir.

You were not yet into theology, so your reasons for becoming active at Central Union were mainly social. It was the church most related to Punahou School, with a common missionary heritage. While some of those early missionaries had their faults (and would be related to some of the greedy chicanery of a few modern evangelists) many were dedicated to Me and served Me well in bringing he faith to those Islands. In a way you were part of that heritage, as you participated at Central Union and taught and coached at Punahou.

Youth and vigor were yours to enjoy, and you had appreciated your life on athletic teams. Thus, it was an early exercise of spirit to want to “give back” some of what you had received through your playing experiences. Never denigrate those times of actual competition for you, even as you were not outstanding. It was an early preparation for roles that you play now and for your capacities now. You were not outstanding, but you competed well… and you enjoyed the participation.

Yes, I did lead you to that place, in order that you might have the time of coaching and, at the same time, have the classroom teaching experience. This was to be your career, even as it was to be, mostly, at another level and in another place. You had to experience the joys and sorrows of classroom teaching, and that was a good place.

Just for fun I also let you revisit a previous time of being, here in the earth. You can only have a faint sense of this, and I shall not tell you more. Just know that I smiled as I helped arrange this revisit.

I tell you now, in this direct way of communicating, that I had My hand reached out to yours even in those early years. Even as I symbolically saw Adam in need of a help-mate I knew you were going to need a special woman with whom you would share most of your life. It was coincidence, My way of remaining anonymous, that Lenore also needed you, even as she did not realize and acknowledge this early in your friendship. It was necessary that this “courtship” should span years, with competition. You had ways of competing of which I could not be officially proud, but I was there, nevertheless, guiding. And I did accept the offer, as I do not always do, of making your union a true marriage.

It was important for you to return, with your doctorate and the positions that allowed… with your growing family… and with a few coaching experiences to finish off that aspect of your career. I could have left you there, and you realize this as you nostalgically walk that campus, but, for this life and for the service I had in store for you, here, it was just good preparation.

WED., OCT. 11, 1989, 5:50 AM

A time in your life to remember, from time to time, is that spent in Hawaii as your teaching career commenced. It was a time of relative youth, of dedication to coaching sports, of pre-marriage. It was a time when you were not in close contact with Me, the Holy Spirit, and yet I had you in the hollow of My hand, molding you.

You have recalled, rightly, that, while you were not dedicated to the church as you have been in these recent years, you did not reject My . . .

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