A Time Of Peace?

SAT., APR. 27, 1996, 6:25 AM

You have little interest in the politics and war making in the Middle East or in Africa. Yet you are aware that a peace accord has been signed, and the latest exchange of violence has ceased, for now. Bombs have been found in your country, and now a six year old boy is charged with attempted murder. Can there ever be peace, here in the earth, or is violence just an inevitable part of what I have created?

You should know My answer, after these years of teachings. As I see the whole of My earthly creation I see mostly peace and motivations for peaceful relations. But in your competitive culture peace is not “good” news… and conflict is. Publicity about violence encourages more violence. Thus your penchant for exciting news is one factor that encourages conflict and violence. Yet I see this as the exception and not the usual.

The Old Testament story of My relationship, as Almighty God, with a chosen people, the Jews, is one containing much violence. David, My favorite king, is remembered for a brutal killing when he was but a lad, in a “contest” of “kill or be killed”. His warrior years are chronicled, in Holy Scripture, more than were his years as a peaceful king.

In My time on earth, as Jesus, (which was relatively short) there was basic peace, enforced by the extensive Roman army. Yet there was the prevailing hope, in My Jewish people, that a Messiah would arise to lead them to a better peace, through violence. Thus, I was not accepted as that Messiah and was executed in a violent way… though I remained non-violent.

Coming back to your present culture I see, in your news media, a pretty good reflection of a dominant cultural feeling, both a desire to headline violence and war AND to bemoan any loss of life. Remember a fundamental premise of earth life: deaths and births should be pretty well balanced. Deaths are necessary for life to continue. Violent deaths, even in the young, are part of a whole panorama of life and death. It may seem that I, as the all-powerful God, could do better than this. Oh, I do see some alternatives, such as sterility and cancers from radiation, but these don’t seem any more palatable.

I do judge that if there were no wars nor any real prospect of a coming war there might be less use of the earth’s resources for armaments. I’d approve of that. And yet the world population at peace, seeking better living conditions, would be committing quiet, gradual violence against the ecological balance I see as most desirable. Do you see My dilemma?!

For everything there is a season… Remember this fundamental Scriptural Truth. This is the season of Spring, and though it seems to come slowly this year you do see the leaves galore that soon will surround you as you write in this special room. With warmer weather will come ticks, fleas, flies, mosquitoes… a range of small creatures that somehow survive the violence of winter.

SAT., APR. 27, 1996, 6:25 AM

You have little interest in the politics and war making in the Middle East or in Africa. Yet you are aware that a peace accord has been signed, and the latest exchange of violence has ceased, for now. Bombs have been found in your country, and now a six year old boy is charged with attempted murder. Can there ever be peace, here in the earth, or is violence just an inevitable part of what I have created?

You should know My answer, after these years of teachings. As I see . . .

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