A Time Of Respite

SAT., MAR. 28, 1987, 3:28 PM

Tomorrow morning, o son, you shall read that most favorite, most satisfying, and yet most difficult Scriptural passage as part of your worship service – “for everything there is a season… a time to…” You have been away from this meditation for many days, and you are frantically trying to balance all that you have to do with the time available. You responded to My unusual call today, but you are feeling pressures from many directions. Listen, therefore, as I tell you of a time for respite… a time to look at priorities.

I say, naturally, that your highest priority should be this relationship with Me. This does not mean that you must be here every single day, even though you could invest an hour in learning in no better way. I shall accept three or four Teachings a week as the requirement of this relationship, with no more than three days away consecutively. I also want you to have your Teachings in order in the volumes and indexed (well, OK, table of contents) and have these up to date.

You are hearing Me well when you don’t spend time reading in other spiritual literature. You have the primary source. Use it, along with the Holy Scriptures. You waste too much time on reading or viewing news of the day. Keep reasonably abreast by skimming, but you need not digest all of the happenings and reports. You work out the details from this general admonition.

As part of the correlation between your printed copies of Teachings and the written originals in volumes, you must go through and designate, in the contents, the ones that are in print. Then you should be typing up 3-4 more a week… more than are needed for your class. You are not giving this learning source enough time and attention.

Your teaching is a high priority. Extensive new preparations are not necessary, generally, but you do need to give attention to how each class will be conducted. The spirit of the class is what is vital. Some of this can develop from spontaneous events, but some requires planning and spiritual thought. Attention to your favorite graduate students is also a priority. Yet I call you to ease off on the number you accept, particularly with your sabbatical time approaching.

You are not accomplishing the professional writing that I have suggested. This is critical to the balance I desire for you. The tasks are rather clear. You just need to set to these as you did when you were younger. Set some realistic goals and accomplish these as of yore.

The completion of the current Ruminations is at hand, just in time… though I would prefer that it be done and mailed within the quarter… three months. Yes, the next one shall be on health. Some shall be related to this field of yours, and some not.

Any opportunities to preach or to conduct worship services should be taken, with zeal. Throw yourself into this one tomorrow with the spirit that I energize and “inhabit.” You shall feel the glory and fun of this experience.

I do want you to keep this Farm beautiful and productive, and I approve of a more regular and direct exercise program. Wow! Where, you ask, is the respite?

You shall take a respite from writing both newsletters, and you shall take minimal responsibility on the Session, remaining a member. Do not take on other responsibilities except as I direct you. There will be some brief ones, like the one today, that shall be approved.

SAT., MAR. 28, 1987, 3:28 PM

Tomorrow morning, o son, you shall read that most favorite, most satisfying, and yet most difficult Scriptural passage as part of your worship service – “for everything there is a season… a time to…” You have been away from this meditation for many days, and you are frantically trying to balance all that you have to do with the time available. You responded to My unusual call today, but you are feeling pressures from many directions. Listen, therefore, as I tell you of a time for respite… a time to look at . . .

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