A Time Of Sickness

THURS., JUNE 13, 1991, 6:29 AM

You just have been experiencing a rare state of being, for you… a bodily sickness. It has been a condition to which you have looked forward, and you have dealt with the aches and the lethargy rather well. A condition of ill-health is one experienced by many of your fellow humans, in a variety of forms, quite often… even continuously. Let this be a brief lesson in empathy. In the past you have been sympathetic. Now you can, more genuinely, feel empathy for some condition of sickness.

Probably you shall resume your condition of good, robust health. Now you know, however, that it can happen to you. Your attitudes and mind set on the drives to and from Kettering were quite good… excellent in intent and good in execution. On the trip east you were trying to follow My advice to be… just be… and to let your mind and spirit focus not on actions but on a condition of being. You found that you still have many “roles”, which include actions, but are primarily descriptions of different ways in which you are. Despite obvious differences all of these are tied together with your spirit, which is closely linked to Mine.

The drive west had the interesting dual focus of the enjoyment of your various aches and the premise that this drive was a timeless one, one, despite your booklet notations, which would simply be a timeless portion of that day. Your reminders to yourself were frequent, and you had moderate success. It was a good experiment that you could do again, even when not sick.

You still feel the “remnants” of the condition of ill-health, so you must yet deal with this midway condition, and not overdo, for next week, and what you do therein, is important to Me, and I want you to be as well as possible. This shall be the opportunity to share the development of two important spiritual concepts, and I want a few more people to know about these.

Part of this “early summer sickness” is your realization that you have no time to be sick, and no time to help your son again. Individually the tasks that you face, from individual conferences to extra presentations and concentrated classes, are all quite worthwhile, and, for example, I want you to be a loquacious Paul for the kids at church, but all together they offer little time to just be… to have a productive garden, and like that.

At your age you should have more time to prepare for and recover from the opportunities of life offered to you in the summer. Extra money is less and less important, but chances to express your spiritual knowledge is important, and so you must make better… and harder… decisions in the future. If summer session teaching and conferences are curtailed, as seems likely, this shall be a blessing to you, at this time. It shall be well for you to have some “free” time to do, specifically, what I want you to do, even as you are still “full-time.” If you have the opportunity to choose a lessened load this shall be difficult. Just expect Me to guide you properly.

THURS., JUNE 13, 1991, 6:29 AM

You just have been experiencing a rare state of being, for you… a bodily sickness. It has been a condition to which you have looked forward, and you have dealt with the aches and the lethargy rather well. A condition of ill-health is one experienced by many of your fellow humans, in a variety of forms, quite often… even continuously. Let this be a brief lesson in empathy. In the past you have been sympathetic. Now you can, more genuinely, feel empathy for some condition of sickness.

Probably you shall . . .

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