A Time Of Sickness

TUES., JAN. 20, 1998, 12:35 PM

Yes, o son, you are experiencing one of those rather rare occurrences in your life – a time of sickness. You are not the only one with a small fever, a nasty cough, and feelings of lethargy. But usually you are the one who is well and full of vigor. It is unusual to feel otherwise. Yet I am encouraging you… and you know this by now… to enjoy this non-normal phase in your life as much as you can. You can never be certain how much more of this earth life you shall have, so enjoy each moment, event, and phase as fully as possible. The great purpose of life is enjoyment… the manifestation of joy.

Doesn’t this sound strange to you? The news that you read, hear, and see portrayed seems to focus on crime, brutality, accidents, and, in general, inhumanity exhibited in many ways. I see this is a strange selection of what is “news”. Even now the number of people with sickness is tiny, compared to those who are not or who are carrying on their jobs in this, and, other, cultures. Those who murder, and those who are murdered, are a speck compared with those who have no thoughts, inclinations, or actions toward murder. Those who love and serve family and friends are in much more significant numbers. And I see this, much more than I see the violence and other forms of crime.

As I have told you often I am the Basic Creator of this earth and of the web of life that flourishes on it today. You humans are My “highest” creation, but I have also offered the affirmation that “the first shall be last, and the last, first”. This calls for humility rather than arrogance on your part, as humans. Those who continue to display selfishness shall sink in My hierarchy of created beings.

You are experiencing the strength and power of some of My smaller, even smallest, forms of life. They are part of the whole of My creation, fulfilling tasks that are needed to keep the Web in balance. Those in your culture and others like it see anything (well, almost) that threatens human life and well-being as something to be countered, even eliminated. You did learn an important lesson with profligate DDT use. The chemical killed mosquitoes, but then began moving up the food chain, and soon people would be threatened by the very means they were employing to reduce malaria. You see, for the “whole picture” mosquitoes are important, and so is malaria. Various “good things” cause cancer, in some, in a few, really.

The big picture is this: ALL forms of life have certain life expectancies. Within each form of life there is a range of adaptability to this earth and its threats, many (if not most) are other forms of life. Ellen, the teacher who was murdered (and who was one of My good servants) was 56, so she left this earth about 20 years too early. In contrast, your Mother was 94, having lived 20 years longer than would be expected. Antibiotics kill bacteria. Yet some survive, the strong ones, and they infect, and kill, some “weaker” humans. And so it goes.

It would be no paradise to have an earth with no threats. If so, there would have to be a great reduction in the capacity to reproduce. I’ve considered this, but haven’t implemented it yet. The sextuplet caper pushes Me in that direction.

You should look on sickness as a blessing. It is means by which “the sick one” gets some attention and service, and is an excuse to have a different life experience for awhile, which should bring more appreciation for well-being, when it returns. Even terminal cancer may be an experience of pain and of pain relief, one that pushes you on, with some pleasure, to the spirit world.

When your body can balance off the effects of microorganisms (killing only what is necessary for this balance) it is stronger for having done so. A positive spirit is a vital part of the healing process. I know it sounds strange (and unGodlike?) to say enjoy your discomfort, but the more you can the more your spirit abets your body in the healing and recovery process.

TUES., JAN. 20, 1998, 12:35 PM

Yes, o son, you are experiencing one of those rather rare occurrences in your life – a time of sickness. You are not the only one with a small fever, a nasty cough, and feelings of lethargy. But usually you are the one who is well and full of vigor. It is unusual to feel otherwise. Yet I am encouraging you… and you know this by now… to enjoy this non-normal phase in your life as much as you can. You can never be certain how much more of this earth . . .

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